Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Verse 14

Hindi (हिन्दी):
उत्सीदेयुरिमे लोका न कुर्यां कर्म चेदहम्।
सङ्करस्य च कर्ता स्यामुपहन्यामिमाः प्रजाः॥

Meaning (Hindi):
अर्जुन कहते हैं: अगर मैं कर्म को नहीं करता हूँ, तो ये सभी लोग संकर (बाह्य शक्तियों के प्रभाव) के प्रजनक हो जाएँगे, और मैं कर्ता बनूँगा।

Arjuna says: "If I do not perform my duty, all these people will be led astray by the influence of material desires, and I will be responsible for creating confusion in society."

In Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2, Arjuna is in confusion and grief on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. He is torn from his duty as a warrior and his affection for his relatives and loved ones who oppose him in the war. Arjuna's reluctance to fight becomes apparent when he considers the consequences of entering into this destructive conflict.  

 In verse 14, Arjuna expresses  concern about the possible consequences if he refrains from performing his prescribed warrior duties. He considers the effect this would have on the people, which would lead to confusion and moral decline. The term "utsīd" means to go astray, indicating that failure to act would lead to a decline in society's values ​​and justice.

Arjuna recognizes that if he neglects his duty, he will become a key factor in creating chaos and moral decay. The term  "saṅkara" refers to  mixture or mixture, meaning a state of impurity and confusion. Arjuna realizes that his actions or inactions would affect those around him and shape the fate of society. 

  This verse emphasizes the concept of dharma or duty in the Bhagavad Gita. Arjuna's dilemma represents the universal struggle between personal desires and social obligations. Lord Krishna, Arjuna's charioteer and spiritual guide, continues with profound wisdom that helps him overcome  confusion and make the right decision. 

 Essentially, verse 14 emphasizes the importance of fulfilling one's duty and responsibility in maintaining social order and harmony. It reminds people that their actions have consequences beyond their immediate sphere of action and affect the collective well-being of society. Arjuna's recognition of the possible consequences of his inaction is a crucial turning point in his journey of self-realization and spiritual growth. 


 Through the following verses, Lord Krishna adds deeper teachings, guiding Arjuna to a better understanding of his duty and the ultimate purpose of life. The dialogue between Arjuna and Lord Krishna forms the heart of the Bhagavad Gita and offers profound insights into various aspects of human existence, spirituality and the path to self-realization.

बौद्ध भिक्षुओं ने बोधिवृक्ष की छाया में सामूहिक रूप से होती है पूजा जहाँ बाल भिक्षु दीपदान करते हैं

माघी पूर्णिमा पर विश्व प्रसिद्ध बौद्ध धर्मस्थल बोधगया में विशेष पूजा की जाती है, बोधिवृक्ष की छाया में बौद्ध भिक्षु सामूहिक रूप से प्रदर्शन करते हैं, जिससे वातावरण पूरी तरह से आध्यात्मिक हो जाता है।

Culture in the Digital Age Hindu Film, Music, and Art

The art and cinema of Hinduism are very important in the vast tapestry of Hindu culture. These expressions not only entertain but also serve as channels for spiritual exploration and cultural preservation. Traditional forms of Hindu art are currently witnessing a fascinating metamorphosis as they blend ancient traditions with contemporary technology to cater to wider audiences and resonate with today’s feelings. This article examines how Hindu art, music, and cinema have been reimagined in the digital era by discussing how age-old practices are being reinterpreted for modern sensibilities.

Hindu Art in the Digital Age:

Hindu art is famous for its complex patterns, bright colors, as well as spiritual themes. From the earliest cave paintings to elaborate temple carvings, visual arts have served as key mediums for conveying information about Hindu mythology, philosophy, and cultural principles. In this era of digitalization; however, traditional forms of Hindu art are finding new life through various means including digital painting, animation, or even virtual reality.

गुरु नानक ने जब जनेऊ पहनने से इनकार

सिख धर्म के संस्थापक गुरु नानक की 551वीं जयंती गुरु परब है. उनका जन्म कार्तिक पूर्णिमा के दिन हुआ था.

नानक ने सिख धर्म में हिन्दू और इस्लाम दोनों की अच्छाइयों को शामिल किया. हालांकि सिख धर्म हिन्दू और इस्लाम का महज संकलन नहीं है.

गुरु नानक एक मौलिक आध्यात्मिक विचारक थे. उन्होंने अपने विचारों को ख़ास कविताई शैली में प्रस्तुत किया. यही शैली सिखों के धर्मग्रंथ गुरुग्रंथ साहिब की भी है.

गुरु नानक के जीवन के बारे में बहुत कुछ लोगों को पता नहीं है.
हालांकि सिख परंपराओं और जन्म सखियों में उनके बारे काफ़ी जानकारियां हैं. गुरु नानक के अहम उपदेश भी हम तक जन्म सखियों के ज़रिए ही पहुंचे हैं.

Which is 2nd verse from the Bhagavad Gita?

The Bhagavad Gita, a sacred text of Hinduism, consists of 18 chapters (verses) in total. Each chapter is divided into several verses. The second chapter of the Bhagavad Gita is called "Sankhya Yoga" or "The Yoga of Knowledge."


The Bhagavad Gita, a sacred text of Hinduism, consists of 18 chapters (verses) in total. Each chapter is divided into several verses. The second chapter of the Bhagavad Gita is called "Sankhya Yoga" or "The Yoga of Knowledge."

The second verse of the Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, is as follows:

"Sanjaya uvacha Tam tatha krpayavishtam ashrupurnakulekshanam Vishidantam idam vakyam uvacha madhusudanah"

Translation: "Sanjaya said: To him who was thus overcome with compassion and afflicted with sorrow, whose eyes were full of tears and who was bewildered, Lord Krishna spoke the following words."

This verse sets the stage for the teachings of Lord Krishna to Arjuna, who is in a state of moral dilemma and emotional distress on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. It highlights Arjuna's emotional state and his readiness to receive Lord Krishna's guidance.

In Hindu faith, Kshatriyas are one­ among four varnas, symbolizing fighters and leaders.

Let's Talk About the­ Varna System and Kshatriyas: A. What's the Varna System? The­ Varna system – it's not just a caste system as some­ think. It's actually a four-tier society structure. Each tie­r, or varna, is based on a person's qualities, care­ers, and roles. So, what are the­se varnas? They're the­ Brahmins, who are priests and scholars; the Kshatriyas, made­ up of warriors and rulers; the Vaishyas, including merchants and farme­rs; and the Shudras, who provide labor and service­s. The Varna's goal? It's all about ensuring society's smooth ope­ration.

B. Understanding Kshatriyas: Kshatriyas, the­y're warriors and leaders. The­y look after the land, its people­. Their main job? Upholding Dharma, which means fair play. They e­nsure the good guys are safe­, and guard the kingdom from danger. Kshatriyas are like­ the strong arm of the community. Their task? Ke­ep peace, prote­ct the monarchy, and show others what it means to be­ righteous.



Examining Parsis's Rich History: A Tapestry of Contribution and Culture

Origins of Zoroastrianism: Zoroastrianism is one of the oldest monotheistic religions in the world, and it is the ancestry of the Parsi community. In the seventh century, a group of Zoroastrians fled religious persecution in Persia and took refuge on the western coast of India, where they gave rise to the Parsi community.