हज का इतिहास क्या है - History of haj

लगभग चार हज़ार साल पहले मक्का का मैदान पूरी तरह से निर्जन था. मुसलमानों का ऐसा मानना है कि अल्लाह ने पैग़ंबर अब्राहम (जिसे मुसलमान इब्राहीम कहते हैं) को आदेश दिया कि वो अपनी पत्नी हाजरा और बेटे इस्माइल को फ़लस्तीन से अरब ले आएं ताकि उनकी पहली पत्नी सारा की ईर्ष्या से उन्हें (हाजरा और इस्माइल) बचाया जा सके.

मुसलमानों का ये भी मानना है कि अल्लाह ने पैग़ंबर अब्राहम से उन्हें अपनी क़िस्मत पर छोड़ देने के लिए कहा. उन्हें खाने की कुछ चीज़ें और थोड़ा पानी दिया गया. कुछ दिनों में ही ये सामान ख़त्म हो गया. हाजरा और इस्माइल भूख और प्यास से बेहाल हो गए.

मुसलमानों का मानना है कि मायूस हाजरा मक्का में स्थित सफ़ा और मरवा की पहाड़ियों से मदद की चाहत में नीचे उतरीं. भूख और थकान से टूट चुकी हाजरा गिर गईं और उन्होंने संकट से मुक्ति के लिए अल्लाह से गुहार लगाई.

मुसलमानों का विश्वास है कि इस्माइल ने ज़मीन पर पैर पटका तो धरती के भीतर से पानी का एक सोता फूट पड़ा और दोनों की जान बच गई.

हाजरा ने पानी को सुरक्षित किया और खाने के सामान के बदले पानी का व्यापार भी शुरू कर दिया. इसी पानी को आब-ए-ज़मज़म यानी ज़मज़म कुआं का पानी कहा जाता है. मुसलमान इसे सबसे पवित्र पानी मानते हैं और हज के बाद सारे हाजी कोशिश करते हैं कि वो इस पवित्र पानी को लेकर अपने घर लौटें.

जब पैग़ंबर अब्राहम फ़लस्तीन से लौटे तो उन्होंने देखा कि उनका परिवार एक अच्छा जीवन जी रहा है और वो पूरी तरह से हैरान रह गए.

मुसलमान मानते हैं कि इसी दौरान पैगंबर अब्राहम को अल्लाह ने एक तीर्थस्थान बनाकर समर्पित करने को कहा. अब्राहम और इस्माइल ने पत्थर का एक छोटा-सा घनाकार इमारत निर्माण किया. इसी को काबा कहा जाता है.

अल्लाह के प्रति अपने भरोसे को मज़बूत करने को हर साल यहां मुसलमान आते हैं. सदियों बाद मक्का एक फलता-फूलता शहर बन गया और इसकी एकमात्र वजह पानी के मुकम्मल स्रोत का मिलना था.

धीरे-धीरे लोगों ने यहां अलग-अलग ईश्वर की पूजा शुरू कर दी. पैगंबर अब्राहम के ज़रिए बनाए गए इस पवित्र इमारत में मूर्तियां रखी जाने लगीं.


मुसलमानों का ऐसा मानना है कि इस्लाम के आख़िरी पैगंबर हज़रत मोहम्मद (570-632) को अल्लाह ने कहा कि वो काबा को पहले जैसी स्थिति में लाएं और वहां केवल अल्लाह की इबादत होने दें.

साल 628 में पैग़ंबर मोहम्मद ने अपने 1400 अनुयायियों के साथ एक यात्रा शुरू की. यह इस्लाम की पहली तीर्थयात्रा बनी और इसी यात्रा में पैग़ंबर अब्राहम की धार्मिक परंपरा को फिर से स्थापित किया गया. इसी को हज कहा जाता है.

Analyzing religious messages for marginalized persons in learning

It is a widely known fact that religion has been a basis for general morals and ethical values, including social justice, equality and compassion of the oppressed. Across different religious communities, there are diverse sets of beliefs and principles which followers are expected to preserve in order to ensure respect and dignity for every being regardless of his or her misfortune existence. This paper explores how various religions approach education from a perspective of social justice, equity, and empathy.

Religious Teachings about Social Justice:In Christianity, Jesus Christ’s teachings focus on love, empathy and fairness for the poor and disadvantaged in society. His ministry involved healing people, feeding the hungry masses as well as advocating for those who were oppressed. The Christian concept ‘Love thy neighbor as thyself’ implies that all people must feel with others in any need irrespective of their social status or origin.

Specially, mutandis, in Islam, Zakat and Sadaqah are crucial aspects of faith. Thus, Muslims should give away part of their property to the support of the needy in the society like orphans, widows among others. Quranic decree “establish justice and bear witness to God even if it is against your own selves” acknowledges that one has to stand for justice and equality even when confronted with difficulties.

Dharma is a Sanskrit word meaning just duty. It entails the responsibility we have towards our nearby residents and those that do not belong to our particular society. Also highlighted is seva, which means unselfish service; particularly towards poor communities. The Bhagavad Gita highlights the necessity of performing one’s duty without attachment to its fruits thus teaching selflessness and kindness as well as promoting social harmony.

Buddhists believe in loving-kindness (metta) and kindness (karuna) for all beings. The Buddha’s teachings on the Four Noble Truths and the Eight times over. Path stress on relieving suffering by cultivating empathy and kindness at man’s spiritual level Buddhist principles of non-violence.

Buddhisms View of the Cause and Effect of Karma and Dharma

There are two crucial concepts of Karma and Dharma within the enormous expanse of Buddhist philosophy that act as the foundation for understanding existence, ethical behavior, and spiritual growth. These two principles which are deeply rooted in the teachings of Buddhism reveal how things arise due to something and end up with why they ended in such a situation; thus, imparting on individuals rightness or wrongness about their deeds linked to moral values as well as the way leading to enlightenment. This article explores Buddhisms understanding of Karma and Dharma by examining their definitions, implications, and role in ones spiritual quest.

Karma: The Principle of Cause and Effect

Definition and OriginsWhen we speak about karma we mean a term coming from Sanskrit meaning “action” or “deed,” which stands for the moral law of causation inherent to Buddhism. It is the belief that all actions – physical, verbal, and mental – have consequences that shape one’s future experiences. Although there is an ancient Indian religious origin to this concept called Karma it has been highly developed and enhanced within Buddhist thoughts.

Taking care of Raising Awareness of Mental Health Adaptability and Compassion

Online Worship: Many Hindus now use­ tech for worship. They can now see­ their gods, pray, and watch rituals online.  This doesnt re­place temples, but it he­lps. It makes religion easy to acce­ss from home, or when they cant visit a te­mple.Respect for Nature­: Hindus have always respecte­d nature. Their belie­fs teach them to care for all life­. They plant trees, cle­an rivers, and host green fe­stivals. These acts show their love­ for the environment and he­lp keep nature in balance­.

Religious Talks: Hinduism e­mbraces all faiths, pushing for interfaith talks. This helps to grow unde­rstanding between diffe­rent religious groups. Hindus have re­spectful discussions with other religions. This he­lps society stick together be­tter.Fitness and Inner Pe­ace: Yoga, which started from ancient Hindu ide­as, is loved worldwide. Its for well-be­ing in both mind and body. Hindus dont just see Yoga as a workout but as a spiritual routine too. Yoga is about good he­alth, clear thinking and a kickstart for the spirit. It helps bring out true­ peace from within. A key point in Hindu we­llness. 

The Buddhist Gifts

2,500 years ago, Gautama Sakyamuni, better known as the Buddha, did not receive instruction from an angel or have a personal encounter with the Creator. He did not have a divine vision or a supernatural power surge. He was definitely not an average man, yet he swore he was neither a god, an angel, nor a saint when his admirers wanted to know who he was. He responded, "I am awake," when they asked. His name Buddha derives from the Sanskrit verb budh, which means to awaken and to know. Buddha is the Sanskrit word for "Enlightened One" or "Awakened One."