शब-ए-मेराज के दिन रात में विशेष नमाज अदा की जाती है।


रजब की सत्ताईसवीं रात को मनाया जाने वाला शब-ए-मेराज इस्लाम में बेहद खास माना जाता है।


इस्लाम में, यह माना जाता है कि रजब के महीने के 27 वें दिन, अल्लाह के रसूल हज़रत मुहम्मद (सल्लल्लाहु अलैहि व सल्लम) और अल्लाह की मुलाकात हुई। अरबी में, शब का अर्थ रात होता है, इसलिए इस रात को मुहम्मद की पवित्र रात भी कहा जाता है। शब-ए-मेराज के दिन रात में विशेष नमाज अदा की जाती है।


अल्लाहतला के साथ मुहम्मद की मुलाकात का जश्न मनाने के लिए इस दिन मस्जिदों को भी विशेष रूप से सजाया जाता है। शब-ए-मेराज के दिन मुस्लिम समुदाय के लोग दिन भर भगवान की पूजा करते हैं। इसके साथ ही कई जगहों पर जुलूस और मेलों का आयोजन किया जाता है। शब-ए-मेराज की घटना को इस्लाम में चमत्कारी माना जाता है।


कहा जाता है कि इसी रात मोहम्मद साहब ने रात के कुछ ही घंटों में मक्का से यरुशलम तक 40 दिन की यात्रा की थी और फिर अल्लाह से मिलने के लिए सात आसमानों की यात्रा की थी। तभी से इस खास दिन पर शब-ए-मेराज मनाया जाने लगा। शब-ए-मेराज इस्लाम में बहुत खास है।


कहा जाता है कि इस दिन व्रत करने वाले को 100 साल तक उपवास का फल मिलता है। जो व्यक्ति इस रात में अल्लाह की इबादत करता है और कुरान पढ़ता है, उसे वही इनाम मिलता है जो 100 साल की रात में इबादत करने वाले को मिलता है। इस रात नमाज की 20 रकात और पैगंबर की सलाम पढ़ी जाती है।

Looking at the Art and Culture of the Kshatriya Religion

The threads of art and culture are twisted very complex in the fabric of human civilization. In Kshatriya religion, artistic expressions and cultural practices are like a Rainbow reflecting mystical key and historical legacy of this ancient tradition. Music beats and dance movements, verses written by poets and paintings made with able brushstrokes form an impressive synthesis between creativity and spirituality in the Kshatriya community. This article takes a journey into various aspects of art including music, dance, literature as well as visual arts that emanate from the religion of Kshatriya to unearth its cultural variety.

Music:Music which is a bridge linking the worldly life and the spiritual world holds the sacred place in Kshatriya tradition. With its roots in ancient Vedic chants and songs, Kshatriya music has a lot of various styles and genres all with spiritual undertones. One of the most well-liked forms of Kshatriya music is mantric devotional singing that consists of syllables with spiritual meaning. These melodies usually along with by musical tools such as harmonium and tabla create incredible exceeding mood, allowing devotees to delve into divine thinking.

Classical Dhrupad represents another significant part of Kshatriyan music, characterized by deep meditative sounds as well as intricate constant patterns. It was sung even in ancient times as it was considered to have been used by warriors before going for war for utilizing bravery within them. Dhrupad is still alive today, thanks to generations after generations of Guru’s who are committed towards its practice and conservation.

Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Verse 15

Hindi (हिन्दी):
यं हि न व्यथयन्त्येते पुरुषं पुरुषर्षभ।
समदुःखसुखं धीरं सोऽमृतत्वाय कल्पते॥

yaṁ hi na vyathayantyete puruṣhaṁ puruṣharṣhabha,
sama-duḥkha-sukhaṁ dhīraṁ so'mṛitatvāya kalpate.

Meaning (Hindi):
हे पुरुषोत्तम! जो धीर पुरुष दुःख सुख में समान रहता है, उसे यह सिद्ध हो जाता है कि वह अमरत्व को प्राप्त हो गया है।

Meaning (English):
O best of men (Arjuna), the person who is not disturbed by happiness and distress, and remains steady in both, becomes eligible for liberation and attains immortality.

Accepting Educational Innovation: An Overview of the Most Recent Advancements and Trends

Online Learning and Hybrid Models: As technology develops further, there is a noticeable trend in the education sector toward online learning. Hybrid learning models emerged as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic acting as a catalyst for the adoption of virtual classrooms. These models provide flexibility and accessibility to learners globally by fusing online learning with traditional classroom methods.


Kshatriya: Unveiling the Noble Warrior Spirit

1: The Essence of Kshatriya – Guardians of Dharma

Kshatriyas, the warrior class in ancient Indian society, embody the principles of duty, honor, and protection. In this column, we delve into the essence of the Kshatriya, exploring their historical significance as the custodians of dharma (righteousness) and the integral role they played in shaping the cultural and social fabric of ancient India.

Accepting Sikhism: A Spiritual and Serving Journey

1. Foundational Sikh Beliefs: The Guru Granth Sahib, the primary religious text that guides Sikhs, is at the core of Sikhism. The teachings place a strong emphasis on the goal of selfless service, the equality of all people, and the unity of God. Sikhs adhere to the ideal of leading an honest, sincere life while attempting to maintain a harmonic balance between their spiritual and material obligations.