The Revelation Journey How Islam Was Introduced to Muhammad

Mohammed’s acquaintance with Islam is closely related to his personal experiences, spiritual journey and encounters with divine revelations. He was born in 570 CE in Mecca and grew up among people who practiced polytheism, tribalism and inequalities. Nevertheless, Muhammad’s search for truth and spiritual fulfillment would ultimately lead him to the last messenger of Islam. This narrative explores the different stages of revelation that shaped Muhammad’s understanding of Islam, beginning from his early childhood until the time he received divine revelations.

Early Life and Influences:The Quraysh tribe belonged to Mecca where they had been entrusted with the responsibility of overseeing worship at Kaaba, a holy shrine that housed idols worshipped by pre-Islamic Arabs. Though orphaned at an early age Muhammad lived with his grandfather first then uncle Abu Talib. As a young boy he earned a reputation for honesty, trustworthy and deep thought, which earned him the name “Al-Amin”.

Since his growing years, Muhammad had been exposed to different religious and cultural influences present in Meccan society. The polytheistic belief of the pagans was practiced alongside diluted versions of monotheistic faith inherited from Abraham and Ishmael that were corrupted by idolatry and superstitions. These contrasting world views with which Muhammad grew up would lead him into a path of introspection and spiritual questioning.

Spiritual Quest and Meditation: By the time he reached maturity, Muhammad had become increasingly disenchanted with the materialism and moral decay common in Mecca. He sought consolation as well as meditation away from the crowdedness of Mecca through hiding himself out in amongst the mountains. It was during one such hideout inside Cave Hira located on the outskirts of Mecca that Muhammad had an experience that completely changed his life forever.

The first revelation of Muhammad took place in Medina and happened to him in 610 CE as he was forty years old. This incident occurred during Ramadan, a month which is highly regarded in the Islamic calendar. The first verses of the Quran were revealed to Mohammed after three repetitions of these exchanges.“Our Lord who created- Read! And your Lord is most bounteous,-He who has taught (the writing) by the pen –Taught man that which he knew not.” (Quran, 96:1-5)This event marked the start of Muhammad’s prophethood and heralded the beginning of Islam’s holy book-the Quran.

Proclaiming the Message: When Gabriel first appeared to him, Muhammad was initially overwhelmed by the enormity of his experience and burden of spreading God’s word to others. Nevertheless, with her unwavering support, his wife Khadijah who became the first Muslim, he gradually grew in confidence as God’s messenger.With this little circle of friends and relatives then he began sharing the revelations saying that all those were supposed not to worship idols but Allah only. The prophet called for mercy justice social justice and ethics challenging Mecca’s norms at large.

Opposition and Persecution:As Muhammad’s message spread though, it met opposition from powerful people in Mecca, especially the leaders of Quraysh tribe. The economic and social ramifications of Muhammad’s teachings threatened both the status quo and a lucrative trade based on pilgrimage to Kaaba thus provoking strong reaction from Meccan establishment.

The idolatry condemnation by Muhammad and his insistence on justice in the society directly threatened Quarysh leaders who got all their power and respect from their control over religious affairs and tribal relationships. This resulted in persecution, oppression and rejection of Muhammad’s followers including himself in Mecca.Different forms of persecution directed at early Muslims ranged from economic boycotts to political assassinations, imprisonment, physical torture. He went through an insulted mouth; assassination attempts among many other troubles during that time. Nevertheless, he persevered throughout the trials by depending on his strong faith in God as well as conviction in the verity of his message.

Migration to Medina:Due to increased persecution in Mecca, Mohammad and his followers became more desperate thereby forcing them to seek refuge elsewhere. In 622 CE, God commanded Muhammad to migrate to Yathrib which later became known as Medina where he was promised help and protection from local tribes.The Hijra, as it is known in Arabic, can be called a watershed in the history of Islam because it was at that time the first Muslim community came to being in Medina. The leadership of Muhammad and the support given by various Medinan tribes made this possible despite Mecca’s hostility towards them.


Strengthening the Muslim Community:In Medina, Muhammad received revelations from God and played other roles such as politics, diplomacy, and war leading. His governance relied on an Islamic legal code referred to as Sharia which provided rules for personal conduct and resolution mechanisms for social conflicts within the Muslim society.Under Muhammad’s supervision, Muslims enjoyed life in Medina as they built one solid unit based on cohesion and mutual help. The Islamic teachings of fairness, equality and mercy created a sense of brotherhood among people from different backgrounds cutting across clan affiliations, racial disparities or any other form of social classification.

Confrontation with Mecca and Victory:The Muslim community became stronger and assertive in Medina thus raising tension between the two cities that eventually resulted into a war. This means that Muhammad along with others took part in different wars against the Quraysh forces, such as the Battle of Badr in 624 CE, where Muslims overcame their enemies despite being outnumbered.Badr’s victory put to an end of the fight against polytheism and also marked decline of Meccan dominance. Hudaybiyyah truce and capture of Mecca at 630CE are examples of other combats advancing Islamic authority while enhancing unequivocal control of Arabia by Mohammad

Final Years and Legacy:In the last years of his life, Muhammad went on to lead the Muslim community, providing guidance, making peace in disputes and laying ground for Islam going beyond Arabian Peninsula. His character as an example, kindness and commitment to Allah made him a respected idol of his followers who believed him as the model prophet and representation of divine guidance.Muhammad died in 632 CE leaving behind a legacy that will last for centuries. Muslims globally still follow his teaching which is found in the Quran and Sunnah inspiring them till date on issues regarding faith, ethics among others.

The revelation journey where Muhammad knew about Islam, is a testament to the mighty conversion of an awakening soul being guided by God. From his modest origins in Mecca to his central position as the apostle of Islam in Medina, Muhammad’s life epitomizes bravery, endurance and unshaken dedication to veracity and equity. Muhammad’s teaching and actions have changed humanity forever; he shaped civilization by his actions that still inspire righteousness and compassion for future generations who want to make this world a better place.

Missionaries role in Christianity reviewed.

Since the commencement of Christianity till today, missionaries and evangelists have been instrumental in disseminating the gospel and establishing Christian communities around the globe. These efforts have shaped history and touched societies, cultures and persons across all continents. In this in-depth article, we will be exploring origin of missionary work among Christians, why these people do it, how they go about it and what stands as a result of their struggle for world Christianity.

Christian Missionary Work from Origin:Accountability for Christian mission can be traced back to the life of Jesus Christ through his teachings that made his disciples to “go therefore and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). One can observe that right after the crucifixion plus resurrection experiences by Jesus’ followers, they began spreading gospel messages initially within Jerusalem before extending them to Romans then farther ahead into various nations.The first Christian missionaries like Paul and his colleagues traveled long distances to preach salvation message, establish congregations, traineeships and nurture new converts. They laid a foundation upon which Christianity expanded into other cultural context beyond its Jewish roots.

Motivations of Christian Missionaries:Several things motivate Christian missionaries. They include:Faith and Obedience: Missionaries often feel obedient to Christ’s command of making disciples or Christians, to whom He had given Himself as a ransom for all. To them, this is not just doing any work but a calling and an integral facet of their identity as Christians.Compassion and Love: Many missionaries are also driven by compassion for the needy and pain relieving motives. Alongside preaching, they engage in humanitarian activities; they give medical care, education, social services and they help people in practical ways who are suffering from poverty, injustice, oppression among others.Cross-Cultural Engagement: The fact that these people belong to different nations with diverse cultures and languages makes it a pull factor to many missionaries. They aim at narrowing the gap between the cultures that would be built up on relationships that would foster understanding and respect.Transformational Impact: Many missionaries have a strong desire to bring change in individuals’ lives as well as communities. This is because they believe in gospel overcoming division among people; it restores healthiness into them leading towards hope of redemption complete transformation of life.

काठमांडू में दक्षिणकाली का मंदिर

दक्षिणकाली मंदिर, दक्षिण काली मंदिर या दक्षिण काली मंदिर भी, काठमांडू के बाहर 22 किलोमीटर (14 मील) और फ़ारपिंग गाँव के बाहर लगभग 1 किलोमीटर (0.6 मील) की दूरी पर स्थित, नेपाल में देवी काली को समर्पित प्रमुख हिंदू मंदिरों में से एक है। दक्षिण काली को आमतौर पर शिव की छाती पर अपने दाहिने पैर के साथ दिखाया जाता है - जबकि शिव की छाती पर अपने बाएं पैर के साथ काली को दिखाते हुए चित्रण और भी अधिक भयावह वामाकाली (आमतौर पर शिव की छाती पर उनके बाएं पैर के साथ दिखाया गया है) को दर्शाते हैं।

Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Verse 28

"Avyaktādīni bhūtāni vyaktamadhyāni bhārata
Avyakta-nidhanānyeva tatra kā paridevanā"

Translation in English:

"All created beings are unmanifest in their beginning, manifest in their interim state, and unmanifest again when they are annihilated. So what need is there for lamentation?"

Meaning in Hindi:

"सभी प्राणी अपने प्रारंभिक अवस्था में अदृश्य होते हैं, मध्य अवस्था में व्यक्त होते हैं और उन्हें नष्ट होने पर फिर से अदृश्य हो जाते हैं। तो शोक करने की क्या आवश्यकता है?"

बोधगया बिहार राज्य के गया जिले में स्थित एक शहर है, जिसका गहरा ऐतिहासिक और धार्मिक महत्व है।

यहां महात्मा बुद्ध को बोधिवृक्ष के नीचे निर्वाण प्राप्त हुआ था। बोधगया राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग 83 पर स्थित है।