Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Verse 20

"Na jāyate mriyate vā kadāchin
Nāyaṁ bhūtvā bhavitā vā na bhūyaḥ
Ajo nityaḥ śhāśhvato ’yaṁ purāṇo
Na hanyate hanyamāne śharīre"

Translation in English:

"The soul is never born and never dies; nor does it ever become, having once existed, it will never cease to be. The soul is unborn, eternal, ever-existing, and primeval. It is not slain when the body is slain."

Meaning in Hindi:

"आत्मा कभी न जन्मता है और न मरता है; न वह कभी होता है और न कभी नहीं होता है। वह अजन्मा, नित्य, शाश्वत, पुराणा है। शरीर की हत्या होने पर भी वह नष्ट नहीं होता।"

In this profound verse, Lord Krishna reveals the eternal nature of the soul. He says that the soul is neither born nor dies. It never arises or ceases to exist. The soul is beyond the cycle of birth and death. It is unborn, eternal, ever-existing and primordial. Lord Krishna emphasizes the timeless existence of the soul which transcends the boundaries of time and space. The soul is not destroyed when the physical body is destroyed. It remains unchanged and continues its eternal journey. 


  This verse gives a deep understanding of the nature of the soul. It teaches us that our true self is eternal and indestructible. Our physical body may experience birth and death, but the essence of who we are, the soul, remains unchanging and eternal. 


 By recognizing the immortal nature of the soul, we can develop a sense of detachment from the temporary nature of the physical world. We can find comfort in realizing that our true identity lies beyond the temporary experiences and challenges of life.  


 Lord Krishna's teachings in this verse encourage us to seek a deeper connection with our eternal nature and to live in harmony with our true nature. Understanding the eternal nature of the soul helps us overcome  the cycles of fear, attachment and birth and death, leading to spiritual growth and ultimate liberation.

देहलवी को "रोशन चिराग-ए-दिल्ली" की उपाधि दी गई थी, जिसका उर्दू में अर्थ होता है, "दिल्ली का चिराग़"।

नसीरुद्दीन महमूद चिराग-देहलावी 14वीं सदी के रहस्यवादी-कवि और चिश्ती संप्रदाय के सूफी संत थे। वह सूफी संत, निजामुद्दीन औलिया और बाद में उनके उत्तराधिकारी के शिष्य थे। वह दिल्ली से चिश्ती संप्रदाय के अंतिम महत्वपूर्ण सूफी थे।

Fire Temples and Parsi Community Culinary Traditions Zoroastrian Cultural Heritage

Zoroastrianism, which is amongst the oldest religious faiths on Earth, has a rich cultural background displayed by its ceremonies, signs, and culinary arts. We will be discussing two important components of Zoroastrian cultural heritage; the symbolism behind Zoroastrian fire temples (Atash Behrams) as well as an exclusive Parsi cuisine that reflects influences from different cultures and religions in this article.

The Importance and Significance of Zoroastrian Fire TemplesZoroastrian fire temples (Atash Behrams) are decorated with deep symbolic meaning and are at the very heart of Zoroastrian religious worship. These houses of worship contain sacred fires that represent divine presence and are therefore held in high regard by followers. 

Normal Flames:Meaning of Fire: In Zoroastrianism, fire represents purity, enlightenment, and Ahura Mazda’s divine presence. The unceasing fire within Atash Behram symbolizes eternal truth lightened with wisdom.

Ceremonial acts & Sacrifices: In front of the sacred flame priests (mobeds) carry out rituals or prayers called Yasna where they offer sandalwood fruits among other items as a show of their love for God’s creation through gratitude while ensuring holiness is maintained by those looking after it.

The Life and Teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji A Light on the Way

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The Life of Guru Nanak Dev Ji:Guru Nanak Dev Ji was born in 1469 in the village of Talwandi which is presently called Nankana Sahib located in Pakistan. Since childhood, he was god oriented with a sympathetic mind often ruminating about the wonders of life and penetrating divine nature. At 30 years old while bathing at River Bein, Guru Nanak Dev Ji had an epiphany during which he was given a divine mission to go out there and speak about truthfulness, egalitarianism, and love for everyone without any discrimination.

For the next 23 years, Guru Nanak Dev Ji went on extensive travels, known as Udasis, and traveled extensively to spread his message of love, peace, and awakening from spiritual slumber. Guru Nanak Dev Ji talked to people from different areas such as towns and cities among other places that he visited during his spiritual journeys thus breaking the barriers of caste system, creed, and religion.

Islams Current Difficulties Balancing Modernity, Secularism, and Social Justice

To its followers, Islam presents contemporary challenges that need thorough insight and interaction with the present world. The Muslim community is confronted by a range of arguments and dilemmas as it tries to make sense of modernity, secularism, religious pluralism, or social justice. This paper will therefore comprehensively examine these issues to understand how they affect the Islamic faith, identity, and practice.

Modernity and Tradition:Currently, there is one major dilemma facing Islam; it is the ongoing tussle between tradition and modernity. As societies swiftly change because of technology improvements, globalization effects, and shifting cultural considerations; Muslims are faced with the question of how best they can incorporate Islamic teachings into their lives while at the same time meeting the needs of a changing world. Some people are advocating for a progressive interpretation of Islamic principles that takes into account the reality of modern times whereas others argue for the preservation of traditional values. Consequently, we see this tension manifesting in various aspects which include gender roles in society, family dynamics, and approaches to governance and law.

DharamGyaan's Journey Deciphering the Depths of Jain Spirituality

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