श्रीरंगम, अपने श्री रंगनाथस्वामी मंदिर के लिए प्रसिद्ध है, जो हिन्दुओं विशेष रूप से वैष्णवों का एक प्रमुख तीर्थ है।

श्रीरंगम का यह मन्दिर श्री रंगनाथ स्वामी को समर्पित है जहाँ भगवान् श्री हरि विष्णु शेषनाग शैय्या पर विराजे हुए हैं।

मंदिर की वेबसाइट के अनुसार, श्रीरंगम को दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा क्रियाशील हिन्दू मंदिर माना जा सकता है क्योंकि इसका क्षेत्रफल लगभग 6,31,000 वर्ग मी है जिसकी परिधि 4 किमी (10,710 फीट) है। श्रीरंगम सबसे बड़ा क्रियाशील मंदिर होने का दावा करता है क्योंकि अंगकोर वट दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा लेकिन गैर-क्रियाशील हिन्दू मंदिर है। श्रीरंगम मंदिर का परिसर 7 संकेंद्रित दीवारी अनुभागों और 21 गोपुरम से बना है। मंदिर के गोपुरम को 'राजगोपुरम' कहा जाता है और यह 236 फीट (72 मी) है जो एशिया में सबसे लम्बा है।

इसके बारे में एक मिथक है कि गोपुरम के ऊपर से श्रीलंका के तट को देखा जा सकता है। मंदिर का गठन सात प्रकारों से हुआ है जिसका गोपुरम अक्षीय पथ से जुड़ा हुआ है जो सबसे बाहरी प्रकार की तरफ सबसे ऊंचा और एकदम अन्दर की तरफ सबसे नीचा है। पौराणिक कथाओं के अनुसार, वैदिक काल में गोदावरी नदी के तट पर गौतम ऋषि का आश्रम था। उस समय अन्य क्षेत्रों में जल की काफी कमी थी। एक दिन जल की तलाश में कुछ ऋषि गौतम ऋषि के आश्रम जा पहुंचे। अपने यथाशक्ति अनुसार गौतम ऋषि ने उनका आदर सत्कार कर उन्हें भोजन कराया।

लेकिन ऋषियों को उनसे ईर्ष्या होने लगी। उर्वर भूमि के लालच में ऋषियों ने मिलकर छल द्वारा गौतम ऋषि पर गौ हत्या का आरोप लगा दिया तथा उनकी सम्पूर्ण भूमि हथिया ली। इसके बाद गौतम ऋषि ने श्रीरंगम जाकर श्री रंगनाथ श्री विष्णु की आराधना की और उनकी सेवा की। गौतम ऋषि के सेवा से प्रसन्न होकर श्री रंगनाथ ने उन्हें दर्शन दिया और पूरा क्षेत्र उनके नाम कर दिया ओर गौतम ऋषि के आग्रह पर स्वयं ब्रह्माजी ने विश्व केे सबसे बड़े इस भव्य मंदिर का निर्माण किया था।

भगवान श्री राम के वनवास काल मे, इस मंदिर में देवताओं की, भगवान राम के द्वारा पूजा की जाती थी और रावण पर श्री राम की विजय के बाद मंदिर ओर देवताओं को, राजा विभीषण को सौंप दिया गया। भगवान श्री विष्णु विभिषण के सामने उपस्थित हुए और इसी स्थान पर 'रंगनाथ' के रूप में रहने की इच्छा व्यक्त की। कहा जाता है कि तब से भगवान् विष्णु श्री रंगनाथस्वामी के रूप में यहां वास करते हैं ओर श्री रंगम् से लेकर श्री पद्मनाभस्वामी मंदिर, तिरुवनंतपुरम तक के क्षेत्र में व्याप्त हैं।

Missionaries role in Christianity reviewed.

Since the commencement of Christianity till today, missionaries and evangelists have been instrumental in disseminating the gospel and establishing Christian communities around the globe. These efforts have shaped history and touched societies, cultures and persons across all continents. In this in-depth article, we will be exploring origin of missionary work among Christians, why these people do it, how they go about it and what stands as a result of their struggle for world Christianity.

Christian Missionary Work from Origin:Accountability for Christian mission can be traced back to the life of Jesus Christ through his teachings that made his disciples to “go therefore and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). One can observe that right after the crucifixion plus resurrection experiences by Jesus’ followers, they began spreading gospel messages initially within Jerusalem before extending them to Romans then farther ahead into various nations.The first Christian missionaries like Paul and his colleagues traveled long distances to preach salvation message, establish congregations, traineeships and nurture new converts. They laid a foundation upon which Christianity expanded into other cultural context beyond its Jewish roots.

Motivations of Christian Missionaries:Several things motivate Christian missionaries. They include:Faith and Obedience: Missionaries often feel obedient to Christ’s command of making disciples or Christians, to whom He had given Himself as a ransom for all. To them, this is not just doing any work but a calling and an integral facet of their identity as Christians.Compassion and Love: Many missionaries are also driven by compassion for the needy and pain relieving motives. Alongside preaching, they engage in humanitarian activities; they give medical care, education, social services and they help people in practical ways who are suffering from poverty, injustice, oppression among others.Cross-Cultural Engagement: The fact that these people belong to different nations with diverse cultures and languages makes it a pull factor to many missionaries. They aim at narrowing the gap between the cultures that would be built up on relationships that would foster understanding and respect.Transformational Impact: Many missionaries have a strong desire to bring change in individuals’ lives as well as communities. This is because they believe in gospel overcoming division among people; it restores healthiness into them leading towards hope of redemption complete transformation of life.

Jain Tradition and Identity in Ever Changing World

For its rich culture, bright customs and endless advocacy of nonviolence and feeling, the Jain community is known all over. As our world moves increasingly towards globalization, the dynamism of the Jain community’s life has changed too; this comes with several possibilities as well as challenges. The article looks at various facets of Jain community and identity woven into a larger social fabric, such as how they are organized socially, their education initiatives and how they have sought to preserve their heritage in an age of globalization.

Understanding Jain Social Organization:At the core of the lives of Jains stand intricate designs for cohesion and collective wellbeing .There are institutions that have come up which serve as a pillar toward individual support among them being local sanghas (communities) regional and international Jain associations. Therefore studying functions and responsibilities related to social organization within Jains can give insights into ways through which Jain identities are formed or sustained

Hindu traditions Beautiful Point of Unity Between Science and Religion

Hinduism, the worlds oldest extant religion, is a complex of spiritualism, philosophy, and scientific research. Hinduism in its key is an integrative system that perceives all things as interdependent ranging from subatomic particles to cosmic dimensions. In this article, we set out on a journey to explore how science meets spirituality in Hinduism by understanding ancient scientific knowledge, universe and ecology present in its texts.

Ancient Scientific Knowledge:The ancient sages and seers of Hinduism were not only spiritual visionaries but also keen observers of the natural world. The Vedas – the oldest religious texts of Hinduism – contain references to several scientific concepts that were well ahead of their time. For example, hymns in Rig-Veda describe the earth as spherical and rotating around its axis which precedes today’s bright discoveries by centuries.

hennapur balaji

Mehdipur Balaji Temple is a famous temple of Hanuman ji located in Tehsil (Sikrai) of Rajasthan. Hanuman ji is called Balaji in many parts of India. This place is situated between two hills and looks very attractive.

The Heart of Christianity: Handling Faith in a Contemporary Environment

1. Basis in Scripture: A profound respect for the Bible is the cornerstone of Christian life. Scripture is our road map, providing guidance, consolation, and direction in all facets of life. Our beliefs and deeds are firmly based on the teachings of Jesus, the stories recorded in the Old Testament, and the epistolary writings of the apostles. Frequent Bible study strengthens our comprehension of God's nature and His purpose for our life, influencing our viewpoints and decisions.

सोनागिर जैन मंदिर ग्वालियर से पचास व झाँसी से चालीस किलोमीटर की दुरी पर स्थित है।

माना जाता है दिगम्बर जैन के अनंग कुमार ने इस जगह पर मोछ प्राप्ति के लिए यहाँ जन्म मरण चक्र से मुक्ति पाई थी।