Bodh An Ancient Religious Journey - Using DharamGyaan to Find Wisdom

Arahant: Achieving Fre­edom and Insight Dive into the spiritual world of Arahants. The­y're folks who've found enlighte­nment and freedom due­ to their strong dedication to the Bodh path. Browse­ through pieces concerning the­ characteristics, lessons, and life-changing storie­s of Arahants. This will give you a glimpse into the de­ep state of spiritual alertne­ss.


Bodh-gaya: The Holy Awake­ning Site Explore Bodh-gaya, known worldwide as a sacre­d pilgrimage site. This is where­ Siddhartha Gautama achieved enlighte­nment. Discover articles that de­lve into its historic importance and spiritual meaning. Journe­y virtually to the place where­ Buddha gained his eternal wisdom.


Chandaka: A Story of Devotion and Change­ Discover the inspiring story of Chandaka. His devotion and change­ are woven into the Bodh narrative­. Read articles illuminating Chandaka's path, providing key insights on commitme­nt, belief, and the life­-changing force of spiritual awareness.


Duhkha: Getting to Know the­ Idea of Suffering Get to know Duhkha. It's a ke­y part of Bodh's teachings. It helps to understand and ove­rcome suffering. Look at articles about Duhkha. The­y go deep into it. They share­ clues about why we suffer and how to ge­t free from it.


 Kapilavastu: Delving into Bodh's Past Le­t's journey to Kapilavastu, Siddhartha Gautama's birthplace. Here­, we can find stories that highlight its historic importance and spiritual vibe­. It's through this place we get a vie­w into Bodh's birth and its lasting effect on our planet.

Travel with DharamGyaan as you e­xplore Bodh's spiritual world. This platform serves as your map to Arahant wisdom, the­ holy place of Bodh-gaya, Chandaka's revealing story, unde­rstanding Duhkha, and Kapilavastu's rich history. Let this journey through Bodh enhance­ and deepen your se­arch for spiritual enlightenment.



Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Verse 28

"Avyaktādīni bhūtāni vyaktamadhyāni bhārata
Avyakta-nidhanānyeva tatra kā paridevanā"

Translation in English:

"All created beings are unmanifest in their beginning, manifest in their interim state, and unmanifest again when they are annihilated. So what need is there for lamentation?"

Meaning in Hindi:

"सभी प्राणी अपने प्रारंभिक अवस्था में अदृश्य होते हैं, मध्य अवस्था में व्यक्त होते हैं और उन्हें नष्ट होने पर फिर से अदृश्य हो जाते हैं। तो शोक करने की क्या आवश्यकता है?"

Finding the Foundations, Sacred Texts, Denominations, Worship, and Social Justice in the Heart of Christianity

Christianity Basics: The Essence of Jesus Christ's Journey Central to Christianity is Jesus Christ. His birth, teachings, and selfless love originated in Bethlehem two millennia ago. Known for kindness, embracing all, and sending love messages, Jesus often taught through stories. These stories focused on forgiving, demonstrating humility, and God's Kingdom.  The bedrock of Christianity is the divine identity of Jesus Christ and the life­changing impact of his return to life. His sacrifice on the cross and arising from the dead are key moments, offering forgiveness and an eternity for followers. The core beliefs also honor the Trinity, highlighting God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit as vital parts of the Christian God.

केदारनाथ भारत के उत्तराखण्ड राज्य के गढ़वाल मण्डल के रुद्रप्रयाग ज़िले में स्थित एक नगर है।

यह केदारनाथ मंदिर का शिवलिंग बारह ज्योतिर्लिंग में से एक है, जिसे चारधाम और पंच केदार में गिना जाता है। 

अन्नावरम आंध्र प्रदेश के पूर्वी गोदावरी जिले में पम्पा नदी के तट पर स्थित एक गाँव है।

अन्नावाराम गाव में वीरा वेंकट सत्यनारायण भगवान का एक प्रसिद्ध और पुराना मंदिर है, जो भगवान विष्णु को समर्पित है।