The Old Route An Overview of Jainism

One of the world’s oldest religions, Jainism, has its roots in ancient India. This non-theistic religion stresses spiritual self-reliance and self-control as well as non-violence to all living beings. The ethical rigor of Jainism and its ascetic practices are often mentioned.

Jainism developed from the 7th to 5th century BCE in the Ganges valley of eastern India and shares a common ancestry with Hinduism and Buddhism reflecting contemporary spiritual and philosophical heterogeneity at that time. The founders of Jainism are called Tirthankaras; among them, Mahavira(599-527 BCE) is the most recent and best known. Mahavira is commonly placed as a contemporary with Buddha, while his teachings form tenets for Jain religious philosophy.

Main Laws:

  • Ahimsa (Non-Violence): Ahimsa is the primordial rule in Jain tradition which means harmlessness or non-violence towards anything that breathes whether by thought, speech, or action.
  • Anekantvad (Non Absolutism): It preaches that truth and reality are intricate matters that can be seen from various standpoints which will require openness in mind to accommodate different opinions.

  • Aparigraha (Non-Possessiveness): Jains believe in letting go of material things and wants by advocating a simple and disciplined life.
  • Satya (Truthfulness): Speaking the truth is considered important, although one must be careful not to hurt anybody.
  • Asteya (Non-Stealing): We can’t take anything from anyone without permission

The 24 Tirthankaras: Guiding Lights of Jain Dharma:The Tirthankaras are regarded as enlightened spiritual guides who have attained salvation themselves and helped others do so. Each Tirthankara is believed to have reformed Jainism and propagated its teachings.

Leading Tirthankaras:

Rishabhanatha: He was the first hermit of India, frequently shown with the nandi emblem, who established the Jain church order and laid down the early principles of this faith.

  1. Ajitanatha: The second tīrthankara, known for advocating nonviolence and truthfulness.
  2. Sambhavanatha: The third tīrthankara associated with horse emblem.
  3. Abhinandananatha: The fourth tīrthankara represented by a monkey outside other symbols or pictures.
  4. Sumatinatha: The fifth tīrthankara symbolized by heron.
  5. Mahavira (Vardhamana):

Mahavira (Vardhamana):Mahavira the 24th and last Tirthankara was vital in developing and expanding Jain philosophy. He advocated an extreme form of self-denial as the only way to achieve total spiritual liberation from material attachment (moksha).

Ahimsa: The Jain Principle of Non-Violence in Everyday LifeJain ethics and spirituality are founded on ahimsa. It is not only about physical actions; it also encompasses words and thoughts, stressing utmost care in dealing with all living beings.

Applications of Ahimsa:

  • Dietary Practices: Jains are strict vegetarians or vegans, avoiding not just meat but root vegetables as well which can harm small organisms in the earth.
  • Occupational Choices: Many Jains opt for careers that limit hurting other creatures such as banking, teaching, and healing.
  • Daily Conduct: The principle of Ahimsa governs interactions and promotes kindness, compassion, and forgiveness among individuals within personal relationships and community life.
  • Jainism and Karma: Understanding the Cycle of Action and Reaction

In Jain doctrine karma is identified with subtle matter through which the soul is infected by one’s actions. The accumulation of karma determines how far a soul has traveled on his journey toward birth and death again.

Types of Karma:

  • Ghatiya Karma: The soul’s true nature is obscured interfering with the ability to get knowledge, perception, or spiritual power.
  • Aghatiya Karma: It affects the physical body and life circumstances such as lifespan, social status, and personal experiences.

The Process of Liberation:The ultimate goal in Jainism is achieving moksha or liberation from the cycle of rebirth. This is done by purging karma off one’s soul through ethical living, meditation, and ascetic practices. In Jainism, three jewels are vital to this process. They are,

  • Right Faith (Samyak Darshana): Belief in what Tirthankaras taught.
  • Right Knowledge (Samyak Jnana): Understanding reality, karma, and soul.
  • Right Conduct (Samyak Charitra): Living according to Jain ethical principles such as non-violence, truthfulness, non-possession, etc.

Jainism 101: Essential Beliefs and Practices


  • Souls (Jiva): All beings have a soul that is eternal and naturally pure; however individual souls are tied down by karma that alters their spirituality.
  • Universe (Loka): The Jain concept of cosmology regards the universe as a changeless one neither created nor governed by any divine being but regulated by the natural laws.

  • Liberation (Moksha): The ultimate goal of the soul is to be set free from reincarnations, and to attain a state of eternal bliss and knowledge that is never-ending.


  1. Meditation and Prayer: Regular meditation and prayer help Jains concentrate on spiritual goals and cleanse their minds.
  2. Puja and Rituals: Jains engage in rituals such as idol worshipping but these acts are symbolic to encourage devotion and self-discipline among worshippers.
  3. Fasting: Fasting is a common practice, particularly during religious festivals like Paryushana and Mahavir Jayanti. It helps purify the mind as well as the body.
  4. Monastic Life: Jain monks and nuns embrace an extreme life of poverty; they give up all worldly goods and adhere firmly to ethical codes. They are the custodians of Jainism religion and culture.


  1. Paryushana: A significant yearly event involving fasting, praying, and reading of Jain scriptures for introspection and penance.
  2. Mahavir Jayanti: Commemorates the birth of Mahavira, the 24th Tirthankara with processions, and sermons by various scholars present at the events among other community prayers.
  3. Community and Social Impact:

Jain communities are noted for their philanthropic activities which focus on education, health care delivery system as well as patronage for artistic endeavors. Their commitment to non-violence combined with principled living has had far-reaching implications on society at large embracing values of peaceful coexistence or tolerance

Jainism is unique and ageless, with its deep emphasis on ethical life, spiritual purity, and non-violence. Here, following these teachings allows us to have a compassionate life and mind to lead a self-disciplined life for personal development, and societal cohesion. When you understand the Tirthankaras lives, the principles of Ahimsa and karma as well as Jainism‘s core tenets & practices you will have a greater comprehension of this ancient faith and its continuing importance today.

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महाराष्ट्र में घृष्णेश्वर मन्दिर बारह ज्योतिर्लिंगों में से एक है, इसे घुश्मेश्वर के नाम से भी पुकारते हैं।

बौद्ध भिक्षुओं द्वारा निर्मित एलोरा की प्रसिद्ध गुफाएँ इस मंदिर के समीप ही स्थित है।

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Islamic art and architecture­ are greatly admired. The­y stand out in beauty, deep me­aning, and abundant cultural significance. This style spreads across contine­nts and ages. It includes varied forms, like­ the grand mosques and palaces in the­ Middle East. Plus, it has subtle calligraphy and patterne­d designs in writings and pottery. Now, let's dive­ into the past, themes, and importance­ of Islamic art and architecture. We'll uncove­r the wonders and secre­ts of this amazing cultural treasure.


Historical Beginnings and Inspiration: Islamic art and archite­cture sprouted from the e­arly period of Islam, which started in the Arabian Pe­ninsula in the 7th century CE. Islam expande­d quickly across the Middle East, North Africa, and further. It me­t a wealth of cultural creativity from Byzantine, Pe­rsian, and Indian societies. These­ varied influences combine­d to form a unique artistic style showcasing the Muslim world's spiritual, inte­llectual, and aesthetic value­s. Under the support of various caliphates and dynastie­s, Islamic art thrived. Every ruling phase e­tched its memorable impact on the­ art scene. The grande­ur of the Umayyad and Abbasid caliphates, the opule­nce of the Ottoman and Mughal empire­s, saw Islamic leaders sponsoring masterful art pie­ces.



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The Birth and Growth of Islam: Starting from the­ 7th century CE, the Arabian Peninsula witne­ssed the birth of Islam. Prophet Muhammad got divine­ revelations that turned into the­ making of the Quran. This holy book is now the heart of all Islamic le­arning. As time passed, Asia, Africa, and Europe saw Islam's e­xtension. It deeply influe­nced numerous cultures and civilizations.