Do Hindus feel victimized in India due to secularism?

The question of whether Hindus feel victimized by secularism in India  is  complex and multifaceted, and there is no simple answer. 


 Secularism is a fundamental principle of the Indian Constitution, which guarantees all citizens the right to practice their faith freely and without discrimination. However, some Hindus have expressed concern that secularism has been taken too far, resulting in what they believe is the privileging of minority religious forces at the expense of Hinduism.  


 Some Hindus feel that certain policies and laws aimed at promoting secularism, such as favoring marginalized groups or reservation policies, are biased against them. There have also been cases where certain festivals or practices associated with Hinduism have been restricted or banned due to  their impact on the environment or public safety.  


However, it is important to note that these concerns are not common among Hindus, and  many  support India's secular principles and believe  they are necessary to maintain a diverse and inclusive society. In addition, other religious groups are concerned about Hindu nationalism and the potential marginalization of minority religious groups in India.


 In conclusion, the question of whether Hindus feel victimized by secularism in India  is  complex and controversial, with many perspectives and opinions. It is important to promote dialogue and understanding between India's various religious groups  and strive for a society that is inclusive and respectful of all religions and cultures.

Come­, dive deep into the­ guiding ideas and rituals that shape Jainism.

 How Jainism Started and Gre­w: Looking to the past, Jainism began in old India, around the 6th ce­ntury BCE. Lord Mahavira, the 24th Tirthankara, started it. Jainism came to e­xist because of the re­ligion and social rules at that time. Its main ideas we­re spiritual knowledge, se­lf-control, and no violence. These­ made Jainism more popular.

गुरु नानक ने जब जनेऊ पहनने से इनकार

सिख धर्म के संस्थापक गुरु नानक की 551वीं जयंती गुरु परब है. उनका जन्म कार्तिक पूर्णिमा के दिन हुआ था.

नानक ने सिख धर्म में हिन्दू और इस्लाम दोनों की अच्छाइयों को शामिल किया. हालांकि सिख धर्म हिन्दू और इस्लाम का महज संकलन नहीं है.

गुरु नानक एक मौलिक आध्यात्मिक विचारक थे. उन्होंने अपने विचारों को ख़ास कविताई शैली में प्रस्तुत किया. यही शैली सिखों के धर्मग्रंथ गुरुग्रंथ साहिब की भी है.

गुरु नानक के जीवन के बारे में बहुत कुछ लोगों को पता नहीं है.
हालांकि सिख परंपराओं और जन्म सखियों में उनके बारे काफ़ी जानकारियां हैं. गुरु नानक के अहम उपदेश भी हम तक जन्म सखियों के ज़रिए ही पहुंचे हैं.

Which is 1st verse from the Bhagavad Gita?

The first verse of the Bhagavad Gita is: 
 "Dhritarashtra said: O Sanjaya, what did my son and the sons of Pandu do when they assembled on the sacred plain of Kurukshetra eager for battle?"