What is the difference between Gyan and Vidya, do Hindus believe both are the same?

In Hinduism, "Gyan" and "Vidya" are two different terms that are often used interchangeably but have different meanings and contexts.  


 Gyan refers to knowledge gained through experience, observation and intuition. It is often associated with spiritual or philosophical knowledge and  self-realization or enlightenment. Gyan is often considered a deeper, more intuitive form of knowledge that transcends the intellect.


 Vidya, on the other hand, refers to knowledge  acquired through education and learning. It is often associated with practical or worldly knowledge such as science, mathematics or literature. Vidya is often considered a more intellectual form of knowledge that can be taught and learned through formal education.


 Although these two concepts are different, they are also related in Hinduism. The pursuit of Gyan often involves studying and meditating on sacred texts and teachings, while the pursuit of Vidya can help people acquire the necessary knowledge and skills  to live a fulfilling life and achieve spiritual goals. 


 Both Gyan and Vidya are important in Hinduism, but they are seen as different paths to knowledge and understanding. Ultimately, the goal is to combine both forms of knowledge to achieve a deeper understanding of ourselves and the universe.

Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Verse 10

तमुवाच हृषीकेशः प्रहसन्निव भारत।
सेनयोरुभयोर्मध्ये विषीदन्तमिदं वचः॥

Translation (English):
Lord Krishna, with a smile on his face, then spoke these words to the despondent Arjuna, who was overcome with pity in the midst of both armies.

Meaning (Hindi):
तब हृषीकेश श्रीकृष्ण जो दोनों सेनाओं के बीच विषाद कर रहे अर्जुन को देख उसके मुख पर हंसी लिए यह वचन बोले॥

Middle Field of Islamic Thought in Barzakh

In the pavement of Islamic faith, there is a place joining the earthly life to an afterlife; this place is called Barzakh. This term is derived from Arabic word meaning a barrier or partition separating two things. In Islamic theology, it implies an intermediate state where souls dwell after leaving the realm of living but before the Day of Judgment. The objective of this paper is to explore Barzakh within Islamic belief by investigating its importance, essence and consequences for the soul’s path after death.

Understanding Barzakh:Barzakh holds a significant position in Islamic eschatology which refers to the field of study on end times and life after death. After someone dies, according to Islam teachings their soul moves through various stages until the day judgement comes. In fact, Barzakh happens to be one phase whereby souls are in a stage of transition.

The Nature of Barzakh: This is an area that human beings cannot see therefore describing its nature becomes a complex task. Islamic holy books tend only to mention this space, giving little details about it hence many questions arise due to too much interpretation and thinking about it while scholars and theologians have tried offering solutions based on some Quranic verses, Hadiths (Prophet Muhammad sayings) as well as philosophical reasoning.

वाराणसी विश्व के प्राचीनतम सतत आवासीय शहरों में से एक है।

मध्य गंगा घाटी में पहली आर्य बस्ती यहाँ का आरम्भिक इतिहास है। दूसरी सहस्राब्दी तक वाराणसी आर्य धर्म एवं दर्शन का एक प्रमुख स्थल रहा।

कोणार्क, ओडिशा में सूर्य मंदिर

कोणार्क सूर्य मंदिर एक 13वीं शताब्दी सीई (वर्ष 1250) कोणार्क में सूर्य मंदिर है जो पुरी शहर से लगभग 35 किलोमीटर (22 मील) उत्तर पूर्व में पुरी जिले, ओडिशा, भारत में समुद्र तट पर है। मंदिर का श्रेय लगभग 1250 ईस्वी पूर्व गंगा वंश के राजा नरसिंहदेव प्रथम को दिया जाता है।

भारत की राजधानी दिल्ली में सबसे बड़ी मस्जिद "जामा मस्जिद" है, जिसे मुगल बादशाह शाहजहाँ ने 1656 ई. में बनवाया था।

कहा जाता है कि 5,000 कारीगरों ने शाहजहाबाद में भोजाल पहाड़ी पर मस्जिद-ए-जहाँ नुमा या जामा मस्जिद का निर्माण किया।