Ramadan: Significance and spirituality

The month of Ramadan is a month of great spiritual significance for Muslims. It is believed that this is the month when the first verses of the Quran were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad and it is considered the holiest month of the Islamic year.

The main spiritual goals of Ramadan are self-discipline and spiritual reflection. Fasting during the month is considered a way to purify the body and soul and strengthen the relationship with God. By fasting during the day, Muslims are reminded of the importance of gratitude, patience, and self-control. In addition to fasting, Muslims increase their prayer and reading of the Quran during the month of Ramadan. 


Many mosques hold special prayers and recitations throughout the month, and Muslims often recite the entire Quran during Ramadan. The emphasis on praying and reading the Quran is aimed at deepening one's connection with God and deepening understanding of the Quran's message.



The month of Ramadan is also a time for charity and community service. Muslims are encouraged to help those in need, both through organized charity events and personal acts of kindness and generosity. This emphasis on charity and service aims to reinforce the importance of empathy, compassion, and community building in the Islamic faith.

Overall, the meaning of Ramadan lies in its emphasis on spiritual reflection, self-discipline, and community service. By fasting, praying, and giving alms to others, Muslims seek to strengthen their connection with God and deepen their understanding of the teachings of the Quran. 

Presentation of that religion The Basic Ideas of the Parsi Religion

Zoroastrianism, one of the oldest monotheistic religions in the world, is often called the Parsi religion because it has many followers among Parsis in India. It was founded by Zoroaster (or Zarathustra), a prophet in ancient Persia who influenced other major religions and is still practiced today though not by many people.

The central tenet of Zoroastrianism is the worship of Ahura Mazda, the supreme god, and the fight between good and evil typified by Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu respectively. The struggle between these two forces according to Zoroaster’s teachings concentrates on truth-telling, doing what one is expected to do, and individual choices that affect this battle. This religion’s basic principles create an elaborate foundation for ethical teaching.

Prophet Zoroaster: Founder and ReformerZarathustra as he was popularly known as Zoroaster, was born around 1200 to 1500 BCE in N.E.Iran/ S.W.Afghanistan; although his precise dates are debated among scholars. The life and mission of Zoroaster were revolutionary. He aimed at reforming polytheism as well as ritual practices common at his time leading to a pure form of worship that centered on Ahura Mazda Wise Lord being the only god.

अमरनाथ हिन्दुओं का एक प्रमुख तीर्थस्थल है।

यह कश्मीर राज्य के श्रीनगर शहर के उत्तर-पूर्व में 135 सहस्त्रमीटर दूर समुद्रतल से 13,600 फुट की ऊँचाई पर स्थित है। इस गुफा की लंबाई (भीतर की ओर गहराई) 19 मीटर और चौड़ाई 16 मीटर है। गुफा 11 मीटर ऊँची है।

हरियाली तीज के अवसर पर महिलाएँ झूला झूलती हैं

इस त्यौहार पर नवविवाहित लड़की के ससुराल से सिंजारा भेजी जाती है। इस दिन नवविवाहित कन्या के ससुराल पक्ष की ओर से कपड़े, आभूषण, श्रृंगार का सामान, मेहंदी और मिठाई भेजी जाती है।