What is the term for those who believe in God, but not in religion?

The term for people who believe in God but are not religious is "spiritual but not religious" (SBNR). The term is often used to describe individuals who take a personal and individualistic approach to spirituality and do not necessarily follow the beliefs and practices of an organized religion.


SBNR individuals may believe in a higher or divine power, but they do not necessarily identify with any particular religious tradition or institution. They may practice other spiritual practices not associated with a particular religion.

It is worth noting that the term SBNR is a broad and somewhat vague label that can encompass a wide range of beliefs and practices. Some people who identify as SBNR participate to some extent in religious rituals and practices, while others reject all forms of organized religion altogether. Ultimately, the term SBNR is a way for individuals to express their unique approach to spirituality and religion. 


The Spiritual But Not Religious (SBNR) movement has grown in popularity in recent years, especially among the younger generation. Part of this trend is a recognition of the rigidities and institutionalization of traditional religions, and a response to the growing influence of secularism and individualism in contemporary culture.

SBNR individuals often seek to create their own personalized spirituality, free from the constraints of organized religion. They can draw inspiration from a variety of sources such as nature, art, music, and philosophy, and combine elements from different religious traditions to create their own unique spiritual practices.

Despite the growing popularity of the SBNR movement, some critics say it may be a form of "choice and choice" spirituality that lacks the depth and community of traditional religious practices. claims. Others argue that SBNR individuals may miss out on the benefits of belonging to a religious community, such as social support, shared values, and opportunities for service and activity.


Overall, the SBNR movement reflects a growing tendency towards individualism and self-expression in contemporary culture, and a desire for a more personal and less institutionalized spirituality. 

The Islamic Concept of "Tawakkul" (Belief in God)

Amongst the interwoven threads of Islamic mysticism, ‘Tawakkul’ has been given an important place. This Arabic word may be translated as ‘trust in God’ or ‘reliance on God’. It constitutes one of the most basic features in the relationship between a believer and Allah (SWT). Tawakkul finds its roots deep within the Quranic teachings, prophetic sayings, and Islamic ethical tradition. The goal of this discourse is to shed light upon various aspects of tawakkul, its theological significance within Islam, practical demonstrations as well as impact on Muslims’ lives.

Speaking tawakkul means putting all your trust in Allah. The term itself comes from the Arabic language where “wakala” means entrustment or dependence upon another person. In other words, it implies that we should leave everything up to Him firmly believing that He alone can provide for us; keep us safe from harm’s way; and show us what path we are supposed to take next among many other things related to guidance or sustenance. This confidence rests upon our unshakeable faith in His knowledge, mercy, and power because there is no other deity but Him.

जानिए दुनिया की सबसे ऊंची अखंड मूर्ति गोमतेश्वर की मूर्ति के बारे में

गोमतेश्वर मंदिर भारत के कर्नाटक राज्य में श्रवणबेलगोला में स्थित है, जिसे बाहुबली मंदिर के नाम से भी जाना जाता है। 

हिमाचल-उत्तराखंड की सीमा पर यमुना नदी के तट पर सिरमौर नाम से एक जिला है जो पांवटा साहिब गुरुद्वारा स्थित है

पांवटा साहिब के नाम का अर्थ पांवटा साहिब की स्थापना सिखों के दसवें गुरु गोविंद सिंह ने की थी।

Peace and Nonviolence: Examining the Fundamentals of Jainism in Contemporary Times

Ahimsa: Going Beyond the Principle of Non-Violence The fundamental tenet of Jain philosophy is ahimsa, which is commonly translated as non-violence. In Jainism, ahimsa encompasses not just not harming others physically but also one's words and ideas. Investigating the ways in which ahimsa practice can impact our day-to-day relationships, moral decisions, and even our relationship with the environment provides a path toward a life that is more harmonious and compassionate.

Finding the Richness of Buddhism's Teachings, Customs, and Practices

Buddhism, sometime­s known as the "Enlightenment Path", is a global re­ligion. It grew from the lessons of Siddhartha Gautama or Buddha. Ove­r half a billion people follow it around the world. Buddhism holds a mix of be­lief systems, rituals, and customs. They've­ developed ove­r countless years. In this detaile­d book, we scope Buddhism’s crucial teachings and practice­s. We'll explain how followers pe­rceive enlighte­nment's concept and how they se­e God’s role in their faith.

Buddhism's method in a nutshe­ll: About Four Noble Truths: Buddhism is based on the Four Noble­ Truths. They explain the nature­ of difficulties, their roots, and how to escape­ them. The truths are: - The­ Suffering Truth: Life contains many trials and changes, cre­ating displeasure. - The Origin of Suffe­ring Truth: Our troubles spring from deep cravings and misunde­rstandings. - The End of Suffering Truth: By removing the­ causes of troubles, reaching Nirvana, and finally ge­tting rid of pain is feasible. - The Truth of the­ Path to End Suffering: The Noble Eightfold Path se­rves as the guide to coming out of pain and ge­tting enlightened.



Exploring the Wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 2, Verse 5

The Bhagavad Gita, a revered ancient text of spiritual wisdom, offers profound insights into life, purpose, and the path to self-realization. Chapter 2 of the Gita entitled "Sankhya Yoga" deals with the concept of the eternal soul and the nature of the self.  Verse 5 of this chapter conveys an essential message that illuminates the importance of inner strength and power. Join us as we explore the wisdom contained in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 5  and discover its meaning in our lives.