Are Americans who practise Christianity headed for harsh persecution?

When he stated recently that the surge in worldwide attacks on Christians could pose a threat to American national security, a retired lieutenant general of the U.S. Army sparked controversy.

Boykin is not the only one who worries that America will move away from Christianity in the future. According to a 2017 survey by Public Religion Research Institute, many Americans, including 57% of white evangelical Protestants, believe that Christians face "a lot of prejudice" in the country today.

Those who keep up with the news have heard many accounts of Christians who have, in one way or another, felt some amount of pressure from people and institutions in our increasingly secular culture regarding their faith. Religious freedom developments at home should undoubtedly be properly watched.

However, there is currently a noticeable contrast between how Christians are treated abroad in many different nations and how believers are treated at home. Christian persecution in America is still mostly protected by the law, and it is nothing compared to the extreme levels of persecution endured by followers of Jesus in many other parts of the world.

The Taliban started reinstating its repressive rule last year by going door to door in search of Christian leaders. Those who identify as Christians face severe repercussions; according to our informants, torture or murder may occur. The likelihood of leaving the nation is essentially nonexistent. Traveling as refugees, who run the risk of being kidnapped and trafficked, is chaotic and challenging. The governments in the countries that border Iran and Pakistan are a little more tolerant of Christians. Unmarried women, widows, and senior citizens have a very slim possibility of leaving Afghanistan safely given these risks.

In America, Christian leaders have come under fire for their religious beliefs, but in countries like Vietnam, Christians experience even worse persecution. Recently, the authorities harassed and fined a number of house churches in the province of Dak Lok for publicly commemorating the International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief.

Are Sikhs going to become a minority in Punjab? Educational Purposes only

Sikhs will not become a minority in Punjab anytime soon. Sikhs are the majority in Punjab, a state in northern India, and have been for many years. According to the 2011 Indian Census, Sikhs make up about 57% of the population of Punjab. The proportion of Sikhs in the state has declined slightly in recent decades due to migration and declining birth rates, but remains the majority population. It is also worth noting that Punjab has a rich Sikh cultural heritage and is considered the spiritual and cultural home of Sikhism. 


Accepting the Joyful Starts: Hindu New Year Celebrations

Significance of Hindu New Year: The first day of the Chaitra month, which usually occurs in March or April, is designated as the Hindu New Year. It marks the arrival of spring, a season of rebirth and revitalization for the natural world. Hindu mythology holds that this is the day that the universe's creator, Lord Brahma, began his work. For Hindus, it's a lucky time to start new projects, make big decisions, and ask for blessings for a successful next year.

मथुरा, उत्तर प्रदेश

मथुरा (उच्चारण (सहायता · जानकारी)) भारतीय राज्य उत्तर प्रदेश में मथुरा जिले का एक शहर और प्रशासनिक मुख्यालय है। यह आगरा के उत्तर में लगभग 57.6 किलोमीटर (35.8 मील) और दिल्ली के 166 किलोमीटर (103 मील) दक्षिण-पूर्व में स्थित है; वृंदावन शहर से लगभग 14.5 किलोमीटर (9.0 मील), और गोवर्धन से 22 किलोमीटर (14 मील)। प्राचीन काल में, मथुरा एक आर्थिक केंद्र था, जो महत्वपूर्ण कारवां मार्गों के जंक्शन पर स्थित था। भारत की 2011 की जनगणना में मथुरा की जनसंख्या 441,894 होने का अनुमान लगाया गया था

वैष्णो देवी मंदिर, जम्मू कश्मीर

वैष्णो देवी मंदिर को श्री माता वैष्णो देवी मंदिर के रूप में भी जाना जाता है और वैष्णो देवी भवन देवी वैष्णो देवी को समर्पित एक प्रमुख और व्यापक रूप से सम्मानित हिंदू मंदिर है। यह भारत में जम्मू और कश्मीर के केंद्र शासित प्रदेश के भीतर त्रिकुटा पहाड़ियों की ढलानों पर कटरा, रियासी में स्थित है।  

Understanding Islam An All-Inclusive Examination of Religion, Tradition, and Culture

Islam is based on Prophe­t Muhammad's teachings. It's a vast mix of belief, customs, and tradition. It re­aches across places and time. We­ will look into the main points of Islam. We'll untangle its cultural thre­ads. This will help us better unde­rstand what guides millions of Muslims all around the world.

The Birth and Growth of Islam: Starting from the­ 7th century CE, the Arabian Peninsula witne­ssed the birth of Islam. Prophet Muhammad got divine­ revelations that turned into the­ making of the Quran. This holy book is now the heart of all Islamic le­arning. As time passed, Asia, Africa, and Europe saw Islam's e­xtension. It deeply influe­nced numerous cultures and civilizations.