कैलाशनाथ मंदिर, औरंगाबाद विवरण

कैलाश या कैलाशनाथ मंदिर महाराष्ट्र के औरंगाबाद में एलोरा गुफाओं की गुफा 16 में स्थित दुनिया की सबसे बड़ी अखंड रॉक-कट संरचना है। कैलाश या कैलाशनाथ मंदिर महाराष्ट्र के औरंगाबाद में एलोरा गुफाओं की गुफा 16 में स्थित दुनिया की सबसे बड़ी अखंड रॉक-कट संरचना है।

चरणानंद्री पहाड़ियों से एकल बेसाल्ट चट्टान से उकेरा गया, यह अपने विशाल आकार, अद्भुत वास्तुकला और मनमोहक नक्काशी के कारण भारत के असाधारण मंदिरों में से एक है। पैनलों, अखंड स्तंभों और जानवरों और देवताओं की मूर्तियों पर अपने जटिल डिजाइन के साथ, कैलासा मंदिर इतिहास और वास्तुकला प्रेमियों के लिए एक इंजीनियरिंग चमत्कार है।

8 वीं शताब्दी में कृष्ण प्रथम के निर्देशन में निर्मित, मंदिर हिंदू देवता, भगवान शिव को समर्पित है।

कई किंवदंतियों से जुड़ा, मंदिर हर आगंतुक को अचंभित कर देता है क्योंकि केवल एक चट्टान को केवल पारंपरिक तरीकों का उपयोग करके बेदाग तराशा गया है।

उत्तरी कर्नाटक के विरुपाक्ष मंदिर के समान माना जाता है, इसे 18 वर्षों में 2,00,000 टन चट्टान का उपयोग करके बनाया गया था।

Efforts for Social Reform and Charity in Parsi Indian societys

Through their Charity and social reform the Parsi community, though small in numbers, has forever impacted the society’s financial, cultural and social life. The modern India is shaped by these people through gender equality, education and healthcare initiatives as well as community development. A more detailed examination of the history, influence and continued relevance of Parsi based philanthropical and social reforms aimed at changing Indian society is provided here.

Historical Context: The Parsis migrated from Persia (now Iran) to India a thousand years ago. They are Zoroastrians who have been involved in a long tradition of charity work and public service grounded on religious beliefs and customs. Despite being a minority group, that did not prevent them from making an impact on various aspects of Indian living dependent upon their Wealth, education or social standing thus elevate the less advantaged in order to achieve justice.

Ancient Charity Efforts: On their arrival to India, the Parsi settlers fight with the need for education, health care and social welfare while at their new home. In reaction to this situation, they formed several charities as well as educational institutions and hospitals to cater for the community’s needs and have a significant impact on society at large.

Among the earliest cases of Parsi philanthropy was in the seventeenth century when the Parsi Panchyat Funds were constituted. These funds offered financial support to needy members within the community for varying purposes such as education, marriage and illness.

Unveiling the Wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 2, Verse 7

The Hindu scripture Bhagavad Gita is known for its profound teachings on life, spirituality and self-realization. Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 7 contains remarkable wisdom and insights that have fascinated seekers of truth for centuries. In this article, we will delve into the essence of this verse and reveal its timeless wisdom. 


द्वारका श्री कृष्ण की कर्मभूमि है, इसकी पवित्रता के कारण यह सात प्रमुख हिंदू तीर्थस्थलों में से एक और चार धामों में से एक है।

द्वारका दक्षिण-पश्चिम गुजरात राज्य, पश्चिम-मध्य भारत का एक प्रसिद्ध शहर है, जो ओखामंडल प्रायद्वीप के पश्चिमी तट पर स्थित है, जो काठियावाड़ प्रायद्वीप का एक छोटा पश्चिमी विस्तार है।

Empowerment of women in Islam, rights and misconception.

The debate about the status and role of women in Islam has been discussed over centuries, with limited understanding or misrepresentation. Islamic teaching, often taken out of context and misunderstood, constitutes a framework that emphasizes women’s dignity, rights, and empowerment. The article explores several dimensions of Muslim women including addressing stereotypes, delving into historical backgrounds as well as highlighting some guiding principles for gender relations within the Islamic faith.

Historical Context:It is crucial to consider the historical circumstances under which the teachings of Islam developed in order to understand how women are placed within it. In ancient Arabia prior to the rise of Islam, women were viewed merely as chattels who had neither rights nor freedom from various forms of oppression. The advent of Islam led to substantial changes in terms of the position of women in society at large. Women’s inherent worth and dignity were emphasized in both the Quran (the holy book) and Prophet Muhammad’s teachings that set forth radical revolutionary rights for them never before seen at their time.

Many people are mistaken in thinking that Islam does not give women rights. These rights include the right to learn, the right to get a job, the right to have property, and the right to be part of the society’s politics and economy. Because of this body of verse contained in Quran “And their lord has accepted of them and answered them ‘Never will I cause to be lost the work of [any] worker among you, whether male or female; you are of one another’” (Quran 3:195), it is made clear that men and women are equal in God’s eyes.

Empowerment and Rights:Many people are mistaken in thinking that Islam does not give women rights. These rights include the right to learn, the right to get a job, the right to have property, and the right to be part of the society’s politics and economy. Because of this body of verse contained in the Quran “And their lord has accepted of them and answered them ‘Never will I cause to be lost the work of [any] worker among you, whether male or female; you are of one another’” (Quran 3:195), it is made clear that men and women are equal in God’s eyes.

In Islam education is a very important thing; even Prophet Muhammad said both sexes should seek knowledge. Women have always been scholars, teachers, or contributors in different areas of learning since Islamic times.

This also gives them freedom and ensures they own property themselves. This includes inheriting wealth from parents as well as having control over their own finances. Moreover, Islamic law recognizes that consent must be given by women when entering into marriage hence forbidding forced marriages too.

Described the Legacy of the Kshatriyas Defenders of Tradition and Courage

When we­ talk about "Kshatriya," we're diving into the rich tape­stry of India's past. It's a term with deep social, historical, and cultural laye­rs. In Hindu tradition, Kshatriyas sit in the second caste or varna. The­y're linked to leade­rship, military might, and ruling over others. But what really wraps around Kshatriyas? Le­t's peel back the laye­rs, covering their historical roles, cultural clout, socie­tal input, and modern-day meaning.

Looking Back: Kshatriyas date back to India's time­-worn religious texts, chiefly the­ Vedas and the Puranas. Hindu myths tell a tale­: the varna order came from a divine­ being, Purusha. The Kshatriyas? They we­re born from his arms, a vibrant metaphor for their socie­tal position as protectors and guardians.


हज का इतिहास क्या है - History of haj

लगभग चार हज़ार साल पहले मक्का का मैदान पूरी तरह से निर्जन था. मुसलमानों का ऐसा मानना है कि अल्लाह ने पैग़ंबर अब्राहम (जिसे मुसलमान इब्राहीम कहते हैं) को आदेश दिया कि वो अपनी पत्नी हाजरा और बेटे इस्माइल को फ़लस्तीन से अरब ले आएं ताकि उनकी पहली पत्नी सारा की ईर्ष्या से उन्हें (हाजरा और इस्माइल) बचाया जा सके.

मुसलमानों का ये भी मानना है कि अल्लाह ने पैग़ंबर अब्राहम से उन्हें अपनी क़िस्मत पर छोड़ देने के लिए कहा. उन्हें खाने की कुछ चीज़ें और थोड़ा पानी दिया गया. कुछ दिनों में ही ये सामान ख़त्म हो गया. हाजरा और इस्माइल भूख और प्यास से बेहाल हो गए.