The Foundations of Faith Using DharamGyaan to Reach the Heart of Islam

Kaabah: A Critical Spot in Islam Understand Kaabah's spiritual we­ight. This respected building is ce­ntral to Islam. Look at articles that shed light on its past, symbolic value, and holy status. The­y explain how it's key in unitifying Muslims and enhancing the­ir devotion.


The Quran: A Guide­ for Muslims Discover the lessons of the­ Quran, the holy book guiding Muslims. Find articles uncloaking the de­ep knowledge, moral rule­s, and spirit-lifting insights the Quran holds, sharing a expanded grasp of how it influe­nces believe­rs' lives.


Hajj: A Spiritual Journey of Re­newal Get to know Hajj, the holy trip many Muslims take­ every year. Discove­r posts that lead you through the customs, meaning, and spiritual fre­sh start felt by the ones who tackle­ this one-off journey.


Eid: A Time for Happine­ss and Togetherness Dive­ into the cheerful e­vent of Eid, a fun highlight concluding Ramadan. Check out stories that highlight the­ practices, rituals, and the sense­ of togetherness that shape­s Eid celebrations for Muslims globally.


Hadith: Accounts of Prophet Muhammad's Words and De­eds Unlock the wisdom found in Hadiths, accounts of Prophet Muhammad's words and de­eds. Explore articles that dig into the­ importance of Hadiths in Islam. They share insights into Prophe­t Muhammad's life and teachings.

Dive into the­ foundations of Islam with DharamGyaan. Let it unlock deepe­r insights into Kaabah, the Quran, Hajj, Eid, and the insights of Hadith for you. Hopefully, this e­xploration will boost and deepen your spiritual link with this re­spected religion.



Kshatriya Characters in Hindu Mythology

Hinduism is full with stories of bravery, honesty and selflessness most of which are played out by Kshatriya characters. Warriors who are known as Kshatriyas hold a special position in Hindu society because they stand for the values of bravery, duty and respect. In this article we are going to explore the roles played by three iconic Kshatriya personalities in Hindu mythology; Lord Rama, Arjuna and Bhishma. Their life stories have taught us invaluable truths that continue to inspire believers and seekers alike.

Lord Rama: The Ideal King and Divine birthIn Indian mythology, Lord Rama is considered the perfect human being who carried justice (dharma). He was born a prince of Ayodhya but fate forced him into the forest for fourteen years. Throughout his exile period Rama stays faithful to his responsibility, rightness and ethics.

Rama is an ideal ruler and leader as shown by his qualities as a Kshatriya prince. To accomplish what he deemed best for his kingdom he did not hesitate to sacrifice what made him happy. Between difficult times inclusive of kidnapping of Sita his wife by demon king Ravana, Rama does not waver from his commitment to uphold dharma until evil is defeated.

Empowerment of women in Islam, rights and misconception.

The debate about the status and role of women in Islam has been discussed over centuries, with limited understanding or misrepresentation. Islamic teaching, often taken out of context and misunderstood, constitutes a framework that emphasizes women’s dignity, rights, and empowerment. The article explores several dimensions of Muslim women including addressing stereotypes, delving into historical backgrounds as well as highlighting some guiding principles for gender relations within the Islamic faith.

Historical Context:It is crucial to consider the historical circumstances under which the teachings of Islam developed in order to understand how women are placed within it. In ancient Arabia prior to the rise of Islam, women were viewed merely as chattels who had neither rights nor freedom from various forms of oppression. The advent of Islam led to substantial changes in terms of the position of women in society at large. Women’s inherent worth and dignity were emphasized in both the Quran (the holy book) and Prophet Muhammad’s teachings that set forth radical revolutionary rights for them never before seen at their time.

Many people are mistaken in thinking that Islam does not give women rights. These rights include the right to learn, the right to get a job, the right to have property, and the right to be part of the society’s politics and economy. Because of this body of verse contained in Quran “And their lord has accepted of them and answered them ‘Never will I cause to be lost the work of [any] worker among you, whether male or female; you are of one another’” (Quran 3:195), it is made clear that men and women are equal in God’s eyes.

Empowerment and Rights:Many people are mistaken in thinking that Islam does not give women rights. These rights include the right to learn, the right to get a job, the right to have property, and the right to be part of the society’s politics and economy. Because of this body of verse contained in the Quran “And their lord has accepted of them and answered them ‘Never will I cause to be lost the work of [any] worker among you, whether male or female; you are of one another’” (Quran 3:195), it is made clear that men and women are equal in God’s eyes.

In Islam education is a very important thing; even Prophet Muhammad said both sexes should seek knowledge. Women have always been scholars, teachers, or contributors in different areas of learning since Islamic times.

This also gives them freedom and ensures they own property themselves. This includes inheriting wealth from parents as well as having control over their own finances. Moreover, Islamic law recognizes that consent must be given by women when entering into marriage hence forbidding forced marriages too.

भारत की राजधानी दिल्ली में सबसे बड़ी मस्जिद "जामा मस्जिद" है, जिसे मुगल बादशाह शाहजहाँ ने 1656 ई. में बनवाया था।

कहा जाता है कि 5,000 कारीगरों ने शाहजहाबाद में भोजाल पहाड़ी पर मस्जिद-ए-जहाँ नुमा या जामा मस्जिद का निर्माण किया। 

Khalsa Legacy of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, the Teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, and the Miri-Piri Concept"

Sikhism, a buoyant and egalitarian religion from the Indian subcontinent, is rooted in the teachings of spiritual leaders called Gurus. Among these gurus, Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Guru Gobind Singh Ji are especially important to Sikh self-identity, values, and beliefs due to their profound teachings. This essay will discuss the lives as well as lessons left by each guru individually; it will focus on three events such as: the spiritual awakening of Guru Nanak Dev Ji; Miri-Piri concept introduced by Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji; transformative creation Khalsa community under leadership of Guru Gobind Singh ji.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji: Life and TeachingsBorn in 1469 AD (now part of Pakistan), Guru Nanak Dev Ji was not only the founder of Sikhism but also its first among ten gurus. He lived a life that was marked by spiritual enlightenment, deep compassion for all living beings and strong commitment towards ensuring unity among people.

Early Years and Wisdom: Mehta Kalu Chand or Mehta Kalu (father) and Mata Tripta (mother) gave birth to him at Talwandi which is now known as Nankana Sahib. Since his early years, he exhibited an introspective character; even then he had been challenging conventional wisdom while showing great concern over theological matters.

बेसिलिका ऑफ़ बॉम जीसस अवलोकन बेसिलिका ऑफ़ बॉम जीसस

बेसिलिका ऑफ बॉम जीसस भारत के कुछ महान चर्चों में सबसे लोकप्रिय और सबसे प्रतिष्ठित चर्चों में से एक है, जिसे दुनिया भर के ईसाई मानते हैं।