A Path to Spiritual Enlightenment Through Jainism

1. The roots of Jainism: With roots in ancient India, Jainism is known for its dedication to honesty (satya), non-violence (ahimsa), celibacy (brahmacharya), non-stealing (asteya), and non-possession (aparigraha). The ethical cornerstone of Jain practice is composed of these precepts, also referred to as the Five Vows or Mahavratas.

2. The Ahimsa Path: The fundamental idea of ahimsa, or non-violence, is at the core of Jainism. Jains support compassion for all living things, including animals, microorganisms, and humans, since they hold that all living things have intrinsic holiness. Their conscious efforts to minimize harm to any form of life, along with their vegetarian lifestyle, are reflections of their commitment to ahimsa.

3. The Three Gems of Buddhism: The Three Jewels—Right Faith (Samyak Darshana), Right Knowledge (Samyak Jnana), and Right Conduct (Samyak Charitra)—are the havens for Jain devotees. These values, which highlight the significance of developing a pure heart, learning the truth, and leading a moral life, serve as a road map for their spiritual journey.

4.Renunciation and Asceticism: The prevalence of ascetics, or Sadhus and Sadhvis, who live extremely austere and renunciated lives, is one of Jainism's distinguishing characteristics. Jain ascetics strive for moksha, or emancipation, by undergoing strict disciplines including self-discipline, fasting, and meditation in order to purify the soul and escape the cycle of birth and death.

5. Philosophical Input:  The study of Jain philosophy has significantly advanced the domains of ethics, epistemology, and metaphysics. The ideas of syadvada, the doctrine of conditional predication, and anekantavada, which recognizes the diversity of viewpoints, highlight the complexity of reality and the significance of humility in comprehending it.

Getting Around the Educational Landscape and Taking Up New Opportunities

Using Technology to Improve Learning: The use of technology in the classroom has opened up new avenues for learning. The way students interact with content is being revolutionized by technology, from immersive educational apps to interactive virtual classrooms. Education is now accessible outside of traditional classroom settings thanks to the growth of e-learning platforms and online collaboration tools.

इस्लाम धर्म में ईद-ए-मिलाद नाम का मुस्लिम त्यौहार भी आता है, इस्लामिक कैलेंडर के अनुसार इसे एक पवित्र महीना रबी-उल-अव्वल माना जाता है

ईद-ए-मिलाद के दिन पैगंबर मुहम्मद ने 12 तारीख को अवतार लिया था, इसी याद में यह त्योहार जिसे हम ईद-ए-मिलाद, उन-नबी या बारावफात मनाया जाता है।

'जीवित देवी' और कैसे होता है उनका चयन?

कुमारी, या कुमारी देवी, या जीवित दुर्गा - नेपाल, धार्मिक धार्मिक परंपराओं में दिव्य महिला ऊर्जा या देवी की अभिव्यक्तियों के रूप में एक चुने हुए कुंवारी की पूजा करने की परंपरा है। कुमारी शब्द संस्कृत से लिया गया है जिसका अर्थ है राजकुमारी। बारात इंद्र या सकरा के समान होती है, जो इंद्राणी को अपनी दुल्हन के रूप में उनके दिव्य निवास स्थान पर ले जाती है। त्योहार कुमारी जंत्रा के दौरान मनाया जाता है, जो इंद्र जात्रा धार्मिक समारोह का पालन करता है।

Modern Interpretations and Practices in Buddhism

Buddhism has morphed in the present age – one of the most practiced religions worldwide. It has been in existence since time immemorial and originated from Asia. Some of the major dimensions of Buddhism nowadays include socially active Buddhism, westernized Buddhism among others. The present Buddhism is also characterized by secularism, engagement with contemporary leaders as well as teachers who are influential.

Engaged Buddhism: Socially Active BuddhismEngaged Buddhism is a contemporary movement within Buddhism that emphasizes the application of Buddhist principles and practices to social, political, and environmental issues. This approach was notably popularized by Vietnamese Zen Master Thich Not a Hanh and has inspired many practitioners globally to actively engage in social justice and humanitarian efforts.Origins and PrinciplesEngaged Buddhism emerged in the 20th century as a response to social and political turmoil, particularly in Vietnam during the Vietnam War. Thich Nhat Hanh, a prominent figure in this movement, advocated for the idea of “interbeing,” which emphasizes the interconnectedness of all life. This principle underpins Engaged Buddhism, promoting compassion, non-violence, and mindful action in addressing societal challenges.