Jainism: Religion of Indies

Jain Dharma, too known as Jainism, is an antiquated religion that started in India. It is based on the lessons of Tirthankaras, or "ford-makers," who were otherworldly pioneers who accomplished illumination and guided others to the way of freedom.


Jains accept within the guideline of non-violence or ahimsa, and take after a strict vegan diet. They moreover accept within the concept of karma, and the thought that the activities of an person decide their future.


Jainism has three primary standards, known as the three gems:
right faith, right information, and right conduct. Jains endeavor to realize these standards through reflection, self-discipline, and otherworldly hones.


Jainism too contains a special image called the Jain insignia, which highlights three dabs speaking to the three gems, a semi-circular beat speaking to the universe, and a swastika speaking to the four states of presence. 

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द्वारका श्री कृष्ण की कर्मभूमि है, इसकी पवित्रता के कारण यह सात प्रमुख हिंदू तीर्थस्थलों में से एक और चार धामों में से एक है।

द्वारका दक्षिण-पश्चिम गुजरात राज्य, पश्चिम-मध्य भारत का एक प्रसिद्ध शहर है, जो ओखामंडल प्रायद्वीप के पश्चिमी तट पर स्थित है, जो काठियावाड़ प्रायद्वीप का एक छोटा पश्चिमी विस्तार है।

Examining Parsis's Rich History: A Tapestry of Contribution and Culture

Origins of Zoroastrianism: Zoroastrianism is one of the oldest monotheistic religions in the world, and it is the ancestry of the Parsi community. In the seventh century, a group of Zoroastrians fled religious persecution in Persia and took refuge on the western coast of India, where they gave rise to the Parsi community.


Chronicles of Kshatriya: Revealing the Magnificent Legacy of the Warrior Class

Historical Origins: "Kshatriya" is a term that originated in ancient Sanskrit, where it denoted the warrior class or ruling class. In the past, Kshatriyas were essential to maintaining the social order, defending the law, and safeguarding the land. Kshatriyas were at the forefront of Indian history, appearing in the epics of the Ramayana and Mahabharata and representing bravery, devotion, and selflessness.


पशुपतिनाथ मंदिर

नेपाल के सबसे पवित्र हिंदू मंदिरों में से एक - पशुपतिनाथ मंदिर काठमांडू के पूर्वी बाहरी इलाके में बागमती नदी के दोनों किनारों पर स्थित है।