How did Hinduism survive despite multiple invasions?

Hinduism has survived despite several invasions and external influences because of its adaptability, resilience and the enduring spiritual and cultural practices of its followers.
Hinduism is a complex and diverse religion, shaped by various cultural, philosophical and social influences over thousands of years. 


It developed through different periods and was enriched by different texts, customs and traditions. Hinduism has a large and varied body of knowledge and teaching that accommodates different perspectives and practices.


Hinduism also has a decentralized structure that allows local communities to maintain and adapt their own traditions and practices. This decentralized approach has enabled Hinduism to adapt to new challenges and contexts over time.


Despite several invasions by foreign rulers, the majority of India's population remained Hindu. The invaders generally allowed Hindus to continue practicing their religion and did not try to impose their religious beliefs. Additionally, Hinduism's emphasis on personal spiritual experience and self-realization allowed people to connect with the religion on a deep level, even in the face of outside influences.

Overall, Hinduism's ability to adapt and evolve has allowed it to survive and thrive through many historical periods and challenges, making it one of the world's oldest and most enduring religions.

मोग्गलिपुत्तिसा एक बौद्ध भिक्षु और विद्वान थे जो पाटलिपुत्र, मगध में पैदा हुए थे और तीसरी शताब्दी ईसा पूर्व में रहते थे।

वह बौद्ध भिक्षु तीसरे बौद्ध परिषद, सम्राट अशोक और उनके शासनकाल के दौरान हुई बौद्ध मिशनरी गतिविधियों से जुड़ा हुआ है।

देवी के मां चामुंडेश्वरी शक्तिपीठ में सदैव कालभैरव वास करते हैं, कहा जाता है कि इसी स्थान पर देवी ने महिषासुर का वध किया था।

चामुंडी पहाड़ी पर स्थित, यह मंदिर दुर्गा द्वारा राक्षस महिषासुर की हत्या का प्रतीक माना जाता है। 

Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Verse 18

"Anta-vanta ime dehā nityasyoktāḥ śharīriṇaḥ
Anāśhino ’prameyasya tasmād yudhyasva Bhārata"

Translation in English:

"The material body of the embodied soul is perishable, and the eternal soul within is indestructible, immeasurable, and eternal. Therefore, fight, O Arjuna."

Meaning in Hindi:

"इन शरीरों के अंत में स्थित जो नित्य आत्मा है, वही अविनाशी और अमाप्य है। इसलिए, हे भारत, तू युद्ध कर।"

Parsi Culture and Heritage by Exploring Traditions, Customs, and Ceremony

The rich culture of the Parsi community is responsible for giving it fame and identity over centuries of existence. With its roots in ancient Persia and that follow global diaspora to India, among other countries, Parsi culture has shown resilience, creative adaption, and strong social connections. This article aims to sail you through a rainbow of symbols that differentiates Parsi community from others including their traditions, beliefs, rituals, art work and eating.

The history of the Parsis can be traced back to ancient Persia where Zoroastrianism evolved as one of the oldest monotheistic religions worldwide. To escape persecution due to religion back in their home country, a small number of Zoroastrians called the Parsis fled to the western coast of India more than one thousand years earlier. However, despite these drawbacks like cultural diversity and language barrier; they survived into Indian society thus contributing immensely towards its cultural economic and societal development.

The Parsi wedding traditions are full of customs and symbolism, which help to illustrate the cultural heritage of the society and religious beliefs. One such is called lagan in which all the rituals are joyful like Achoo mishtu where the couple exchanges flower garlands and Haath Borvanu when bride’s hands are tied with a sacred thread.