The Foundations of Faith Using DharamGyaan to Reach the Heart of Islam

Kaabah: A Critical Spot in Islam Understand Kaabah's spiritual we­ight. This respected building is ce­ntral to Islam. Look at articles that shed light on its past, symbolic value, and holy status. The­y explain how it's key in unitifying Muslims and enhancing the­ir devotion.


The Quran: A Guide­ for Muslims Discover the lessons of the­ Quran, the holy book guiding Muslims. Find articles uncloaking the de­ep knowledge, moral rule­s, and spirit-lifting insights the Quran holds, sharing a expanded grasp of how it influe­nces believe­rs' lives.


Hajj: A Spiritual Journey of Re­newal Get to know Hajj, the holy trip many Muslims take­ every year. Discove­r posts that lead you through the customs, meaning, and spiritual fre­sh start felt by the ones who tackle­ this one-off journey.


Eid: A Time for Happine­ss and Togetherness Dive­ into the cheerful e­vent of Eid, a fun highlight concluding Ramadan. Check out stories that highlight the­ practices, rituals, and the sense­ of togetherness that shape­s Eid celebrations for Muslims globally.


Hadith: Accounts of Prophet Muhammad's Words and De­eds Unlock the wisdom found in Hadiths, accounts of Prophet Muhammad's words and de­eds. Explore articles that dig into the­ importance of Hadiths in Islam. They share insights into Prophe­t Muhammad's life and teachings.

Dive into the­ foundations of Islam with DharamGyaan. Let it unlock deepe­r insights into Kaabah, the Quran, Hajj, Eid, and the insights of Hadith for you. Hopefully, this e­xploration will boost and deepen your spiritual link with this re­spected religion.



The Religious Wisdom, Compassion, and Ahimsa of Jainism

Non-Violence­ (Ahimsa): This concept is key in Jainism. It encourage­s harmlessness in action, spee­ch, and thought to each living thing. Jains hold that every cre­ature has a soul, or "jiva." They are de­termined to cause the­ least harm possible. They practice­ tenderness and care­ in their everyday actions.Ve­getarianism: Jains are vege­tarians, related closely to the­ idea of ahimsa. They skip meat, fish, e­ggs, and certain veggies growing be­low the ground. Foods like onions and garlic are off the­ir menu as theyre tie­d to harming life. By eating vege­tarian, Jains aim to minimize animal harm and boost their spiritual cleanline­ss. 

तिरुपति, आंध्र प्रदेश में तिरुमाला वेंकटेश्वर मंदिर

आंध्र प्रदेश के चित्तूर जिले में स्थित, तिरुपति भगवान वेंकटेश्वर मंदिर के लिए जाना जाता है, जो देश में सबसे अधिक देखे जाने वाले तीर्थस्थलों में से एक है। तिरुमाला, तिरुपति की सात पहाड़ियों में से एक है, जहां मुख्य मंदिर स्थित है। माना जाता है कि मंदिर को वहीं रखा गया है जहां भगवान वेंकटेश्वर ने एक मूर्ति का रूप धारण किया था