पाम संडे, ईस्टर से पहले का रविवार, ईसाई धर्म के प्रमुख त्योहारों में से एक माना जाता है।

इस दिन को ईसाई समुदाय द्वारा यरूशलेम में प्रभु यीशु के विजयी प्रवेश के रूप में मनाया जाता है।

पाम संडे, ईस्टर से पहले का रविवार, ईसाई धर्म के प्रमुख त्योहारों में से एक माना जाता है। इस दिन को ईसाई समुदाय द्वारा यरूशलेम में प्रभु यीशु के विजयी प्रवेश के रूप में मनाया जाता है। इस बार पाम संडे 5 अप्रैल को मनाया जाएगा।

पवित्र बाइबल कहती है कि जब प्रभु यीशु यरूशलेम पहुंचे, तो बड़ी संख्या में लोग उनका स्वागत करने के लिए एकत्रित हुए, उनके हाथों में ताड़ की डालियां लहराईं। लोगों ने प्रभु यीशु की शिक्षाओं और चमत्कारों का गर्मजोशी से स्वागत किया था। यह बात करीब दो हजार साल पहले की बताई जाती है।

उस दिन की याद में पाम संडे मनाया जाता है। इसे पवित्र सप्ताह की शुरुआत के रूप में भी मनाया जाता है। यह ईस्टर के साथ समाप्त होता है। इस बार ईस्टर 12 अप्रैल को मनाया जाएगा। पाम संडे दक्षिण भारत में प्रमुखता से मनाया जाता है। इसे पैशन संडे भी कहा जाता है। इस अवसर पर चर्चों में विशेष कार्यक्रम आयोजित किए जाते हैं।

बाइबल पाठ, उपदेश और कार्यक्रम भी आयोजित किए जाएंगे। एक विशेष कार्यक्रम के साथ, शाम को एक विशेष चल समारोह निकाला जाता है। ईसाई समाज प्रभु के आगमन का जश्न मनाने के लिए गीत गाकर पाम संडे का स्वागत करते हैं। पाम संडे से चर्चों में शुरू हुआ प्रभु की आराधना और भक्ति का सिलसिला ईस्टर तक चलेगा।

The Parsi identity respects diversity while upholding cultural traditions

The history and cultural background of the Parsi Architechture expresses the spirit of Zoroastrian faith and reflects on the continuity of the glorious past of this Ancient Religion. Originating in ancient Persia, the Parsi community has reached their enduring status by maintaining and artificial the architecture of Zoroastrianism that encompasses different areas and eras. This article shall addresses these complex linkages through examination of the way how the religious symbolism, cultural identity, and the historical context have subtly woven the physical landscapeformed for the Parsi community.Historical Background:In order to realize Parsi architecture, it is necessary to disect the historical background of Zoroastrianism as well as its migration to India. Zoroastrianism, which belongs to the group of ancient monotheistic religions, has been part of the human history from ancient times. It originated in Persia (the modern day of Iran) and went to the zenith during the Achaemenid, Parthian, and Sassanian empires. After the Arab venture on Persia in the 7th century CE, Zoroastrians had to be persecuted and so they went in exile to towns like Gujarat that is the western coast of India. Arriving in Iran, they were entitled to be called the Parsis who were original caretakers of ancestral practices, cultural activities, and ethos, the essence of characteristic of all Parsi structures.Key Architectural Features:The Parsi architecture is the outcome of Indigenous Indian styles merge with Persian and European elements that combined gives a distinctive and individualized design marked by its sophisticated elegance and space-friendly features. Some key architectural features commonly found in Parsi buildings include:Some key architectural features commonly found in Parsi buildings include:

  • Atash Behrams and Fire Temples: The fiery altar which is the only Zoroastrian place of worship is representative of pureness and the eternal light of God. Such atash behrams or fire temples that are sacred places in which the eternal flame, symbolizing presence of Ahura Mazda the supreme god in the Zoroastrian cosmology, is considered the highest dignity. These temples are ornate and rigorously constructed with the intention of holding rituals and ceremonies that are associated with fire worship and feature exquisite facades, intricate carvings and geometric patterns that mirror the characteristic fire symbol of the worshipers.

Crafting Culture: Examining Hindu New Craft's Renaissance

The Vast Tradition of Hindu Artistry: Hinduism has always provided artists with a wealth of inspiration due to its varied customs, rites, and mythology. Hindu artistry has taken on a multitude of forms, each presenting a distinct story, from bronze sculptures and temple carvings to handwoven fabrics and elaborate jewelry.


In Hindu faith, Kshatriyas are one­ among four varnas, symbolizing fighters and leaders.

Let's Talk About the­ Varna System and Kshatriyas: A. What's the Varna System? The­ Varna system – it's not just a caste system as some­ think. It's actually a four-tier society structure. Each tie­r, or varna, is based on a person's qualities, care­ers, and roles. So, what are the­se varnas? They're the­ Brahmins, who are priests and scholars; the Kshatriyas, made­ up of warriors and rulers; the Vaishyas, including merchants and farme­rs; and the Shudras, who provide labor and service­s. The Varna's goal? It's all about ensuring society's smooth ope­ration.

B. Understanding Kshatriyas: Kshatriyas, the­y're warriors and leaders. The­y look after the land, its people­. Their main job? Upholding Dharma, which means fair play. They e­nsure the good guys are safe­, and guard the kingdom from danger. Kshatriyas are like­ the strong arm of the community. Their task? Ke­ep peace, prote­ct the monarchy, and show others what it means to be­ righteous.



Investigating Women's Geography in Hinduism: A Contemplative Trip with DharamGyaan

Hinduism's Feminist Geography: Handling Gender Dynamics DharamGyaan opens the conversation by exploring feminist geography within Hinduism, illuminating the complex network of gender relations woven into religious stories. Read through articles that challenge conventional wisdom in order to create a more inclusive understanding of the roles and experiences that people have within the Hindu community.


Harmonious Tour of Christian Worship and Music

Christian music and worship have always been part of the faith for centuries, developing alongside shifts in culture, technology and theological perspectives. This article is a melodious journey through the development of Christian music styles and genres by delving into how profoundly it has impacted on Christian worship and spiritual expression. From timeless hymns and psalms to contemporary Christian songs, we explore how music has brought added value to worship experience as well as fostered deeper connection with divine.

Evolution of Christian Music Styles and Genres:Christian music has had an interesting transformation reflecting the diverse cultures that influenced them during different periods. We will follow the advances made in Christian music from its earliest age starting from Gregorian chants, medieval hymns until polyphony emerged and choral compositions were created during Renaissance. The Protestant Reformation marked a breakthrough for congregational singing which led to the development of hymnals as well as the growth of congregational hymnody. In the modern times however, Christian music has diversified into various categories including classical, gospel, contemporary Christian, praise and worship or even Christian rock.