Meaning (Hindi):
इसे तू जान कि जो इस शरीर में व्याप्त है, वह अविनाशी है। इस अविनाशी आत्मा का नाश करने का कोई कर्ता नहीं हो सकता॥
Meaning (in English):
In this verse, Lord Krishna gives the knowledge of the eternal nature of the soul (Atman). He explains that the soul that exists in the body is indestructible and immortal. It cannot be destroyed by any external force or action.
Lord Krishna emphasizes that the soul is imperishable and exists outside the physical body. It is eternal and unaffected by changes in the material world. The soul transcends birth and death and remains constant and unchanging.
By understanding the indestructible nature of the soul, one can gain a broader perspective on life. This knowledge helps people to overcome fear, attachment and the temporary nature of worldly things. Recognizing the eternal nature within allows for spiritual growth and fosters a deeper connection with the divine.
Lord Krishna reminds Arjuna and all seekers of truth to focus on the eternal soul and not be swayed by temporary circumstances. This understanding enables people to face challenges with courage, detachment and unwavering faith in the eternal nature of the soul.