Church of England bishops prepare for a showdown over same-sex marriage

The Archbishop of Canterbury, primate of the Church of England and ceremonial head of the global Anglican Communion, strives to strike a balance between conservative and progressive views on LGBTQ affirmation in the interest of maintaining church unit

The Church of England's bishops are gathering this week to prepare recommendations that will be presented to the General Synod, the body that oversees the church, at a meeting in February regarding marriage for same-sex couples.
The document they'll be talking about, "Living in Love and Faith," covers a wide range of issues related to love and marriage, but same-sex relationships are the most contentious. 

The gathering occurs as church membership, particularly among evangelical members of the episcopate who have long opposed homosexual marriage, is shifting in favour of it. But if the bishops decide to suggest a change in doctrine, they are aware that it will have an impact on the entire Anglican Communion, not just in England.


The current archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, attempted to appease conservative bishops by reiterating a 1998 statement that gay sex is a sin while assuring liberals by saying he would not punish national churches in the Communion that allow priests to marry same-sex couples this summer at the Anglican Communion's all-bishops meeting known as the Lambeth Conference. Conservative bishops from the South criticised Welby's decision to not punish parishes for allowing homosexual marriage.

Prior to the bishops' two-day meeting this week, Welby informed The Times that he would hold off on saying what he personally believes about marriage for LGBTQ Christians. By doing so, he ran the risk of enraging both sides once more. He stated that it was his responsibility to be a source of unity, hence he chose not to express his opinions on the matter.

Understanding the Importance of Christian Art as a Gateway to Religion Truths

Christianity, which is sufficient in artistic expressions and symbols, gives its members a way of visually expressing their faith’s deepest truths. Christian art has been a pathway for conveying the exegesis of theological concepts, biblical accounts and spiritual insights from time immemorial when icons were first made until the Renaissance. This paper delves into Christian art and symbolism to uncover the layers beneath this imagery as well as explore its profound significance within Christianity.

The Role of Art in Christian Tradition: Art has always been an important part of Christian worship since ancient times. Frescoes with scenes depicting Christ’s life, martyrs and stories from the Bible were painted on walls by Christians in Roman catacombs. Those works of art were used to teach churchgoers who could not read but wanted to know more about Christianity by showing them what it was all about.

Religious Symbolism in Art: Among the attributes of Christian Art is symbolic representation of spiritual aspects and theological ideas. Symbolism enables artists to make use of visual language to express difficult concepts, which can be understood across different languages and cultures. Some symbols have been so ingrained into the collective memory of Christians throughout history that they continue to serve as powerful reminders of faith.

The most iconic symbol in Christian art is the cross, which signifies Jesus Christ’s crucifixion at its epicenter. The meaning behind the cross extends beyond just a reminder of Christ’s death on behalf of humanity; it also serves as a constant symbol for hope for redemption and eternal life. Made from fine wood carvings, stained glass windows or huge sculptures, crosses have always stood as one strong signpost for forgiveness and divine love.

The dove, symbol of the Holy Spirit is another common symbol in Christian art. During the depiction of Jesus’ immersion, the dove descends from heaven to symbolize the Spirit’s presence upon Christ. The dove also connotes peace, purity and renewal of creation as indicated in Noah’s ark bible story and its manifestation through a dove carrying an olive branch.

Other symbols that frequently appear in Christian art include fish which represent Christ and his followers, lambs symbolizing Christ’s sacrificial death and anchors that signify unshakable faith during trying times. Each carries deep significance and multiple layers of meaning so that they can always allow Christians to reflect on their faith mysteries in order to be closer to God.

Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Verse 26

Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Verse 26:

"Atha chainaṁ nitya-jātaṁ nityaṁ vā manyase mṛtam
Tathāpi tvaṁ mahā-bāho naivaṁ śhochitum-arhasi"

Translation in English:

"If, however, you think that the soul is perpetually born and always dies, still you have no reason to lament, O mighty-armed."

Meaning in Hindi:

"यदि आपको लगता है कि आत्मा सदैव जन्मती रहती है और सदैव मरती रहती है, तो भी, हे महाबाहो! आपको शोक करने के लिए कोई कारण नहीं है।"

अमृतसर के संस्थापक और सिख धर्म के चौथे गुरु, गुरु रामदास जी के जन्मदिन को प्रकाश पर्व या गुरु पर्व भी कहा जाता है।

श्री गुरु रामदास साहेबजी का जन्म कार्तिक वादी  2, विक्रमी संवत् 1591 (24 सितंबर सन् 1534) के प्रकाश में लाहौर की चुना मंडी में हुआ था, इनके पिता जी का नाम हरदासजी और माता जी का नाम दयाजी था।

Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Verse 25

"Avyaktādīni bhūtāni vyakta-madhyāni bhārata
Avyakta-nidhanānyeva tatra kā paridevanā"

Translation in English:

"It is said that the soul is invisible, inconceivable, immutable, and unchangeable. Therefore, considering the soul to be eternal, you should not grieve for the temporary body."

Meaning in Hindi:

"कहा जाता है कि आत्मा अदृश्य है, अविचार्य है, अबद्ध है और अविकारी है। इसलिए, अस्थायी शरीर के लिए आपको दुःख नहीं करना चाहिए, क्योंकि आपके अनुसार आत्मा अनन्त है।"

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