hennapur balaji

Mehdipur Balaji Temple is a famous temple of Hanuman ji located in Tehsil (Sikrai) of Rajasthan. Hanuman ji is called Balaji in many parts of India. This place is situated between two hills and looks very attractive.

The pure climate and the pure environment here gives great pleasure to the mind. The compositions of city life will also be seen here.

Balaji's Notion of Appearance

Here three gods predominate – Shri Balaji Maharaj, Shri Pretraj Sarkar and Shri Bhairav ​​Kotwal. These three gods appeared here about 1008 years ago. Twelve mahants have performed service-worship at this place since their appearance and till now three mahants of this place are still present at this time.Maharaj (First Servant) Shri Kishorepuri Ji Maharaj (Former Servant) and Shri Nareshpuri Ji Maharaj (Present Servant). The era of upliftment here started from the time of Shri Ganeshpuri Ji Maharaj and now it is increasing day by day. The construction of the main temple took place during these times. All the Dharamshalas were built during this time. In this way, his service period will be called the golden age of the history of Shri Balaji Ghata Mehdipur.

In the beginning it was a very rugged forest. In the dense bushes, wild animals like cheetahs, tigers etc. are lying.

In fact, this idol has not been made by any artist separately, but it is a part of the mountain itself and this entire mountain itself is like its 'Kanak Bhudharkar' cavity. At the feet of this idol was a small pond, whose water never passed. The secret is that a fine stream flows continuously from under the chest on the left side of the Maharaja, which does not stop even if enough chola is climbed.

Thus the three gods were established. In Vikrami-Samvat 1979, Shri Maharaj changed his chola. Filling the unloaded Chola in the vehicles, many devotees left to flow it in Shri Ganga. When Mandavar reached the railway station with the chola, the railway officials considered the chola as a luggage and tried to weigh the chola to collect the baggage fee, but they were unable to weigh it. In the course of weighing the cloak, the weight sometimes increased by one mind and sometimes decreased by one mind; Ultimately the railway officer gave up and the chola was handed over with respect to Ganga ji. At that time Havan, Brahmin food and religious texts were passed and a new light was born in the new chola, which spread light in every nook and corner of India.


At least one week before going to Mehndipur for the darshan of Balaji Maharaj, you should give up vengeful things like meat, eggs, liquor etc. After this one should have darshan of Balaji Maharaj and recite Hanuman Chalisa and lastly after visiting Kotwal Bhairavnath one should recite Bhairav ​​Chalisa.Do not take anything, even prasad, from anyone in the temple, nor give anything like prasad to anyone. While coming and going, do not look back even by mistake. Apply for coming and going because one can come and go in Mehndipur only with Baba's permission.

Positions of the gods and their enjoyment:-

1.Balaji Maharaj - Balaji Maharaj is the king of Mehdipur and an incarnation of Lord Shiva. Evil spirits appear in front of them. Laddoos are offered to Balaji Maharaj.

2.Bhairav ​​Kotwal - Bhairav ​​Baba is the commander of Balaji Maharaj's army and an incarnation of Lord Shiva. That is why he is also called Kotwal Captain. They love to enjoy things made from urad dal. Especially in dahi bhalle and sweets made from urad dal, they enjoy the pleasure of jalebi and dumpling.
3.Pretraj Sarkar - Pretraj Sarkar is the punisher of Balaji Maharaj's court. It is they who have the right to punish evil spirits. They enjoy cooked rice and kheer.

Means of transport:-

Divided into two districts (Karauli and Dausa) in the state of Rajasthan, Ghat Mehdipur is located at a distance of 24 miles from Bandikui Railway Station on the Delhi-Jaipur-Ajmer-Ahmedabad line. Similarly, buses are also available from Hindon station of the big line.Now direct buses from Agra, Mathura, Vrindavan, Aligarh etc. to Jaipur stop at the turn of Balaji. Balaji can also be reached by bus via Hindon by getting down at Mahavirji station from Frontier Mail. Hindon City station is located on the Delhi, Mathura, Kota, Ratlam, Vadodara, Mumbai line between Bayana and Mahavirji Station on the Western Railway's BG line. The journey time from Hindon to Balaji is one and a half hours by bus.

वारंगल के हजार स्तंभ मंदिर के दर्शन की जानकारी

हजार स्तंभ मंदिर या रुद्रेश्वर स्वामी मंदिर  भारत के तेलंगाना राज्य के हनमाकोंडा शहर में स्थित एक ऐतिहासिक हिंदू मंदिर है। यह भगवान शिव, विष्णु और सूर्य को समर्पित है। वारंगल किला, काकतीय कला थोरानम और रामप्पा मंदिर के साथ हजार स्तंभ मंदिर को यूनेस्को द्वारा मान्यता प्राप्त विश्व धरोहर स्थलों की अस्थायी सूची में जोड़ा गया है।

गुरु हरकिशन जी सिखों के आठवें और सबसे कम उम्र के गुरु थे, जिन्हें 'बाला पीर' के नाम से जाना जाता है।

सिर्फ पांच साल की उम्र में, गुरु हरकिशन सिंह जी को उनके पिता गुरु हरि राय जी (सिखों के सातवें गुरु) की मृत्यु के बाद सिंहासन पर बैठाया गया था। उन्हें बाला पीर के नाम से भी जाना जाता था।

Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Verse 19

"Ya enaṁ vetti hantāraṁ yaśh chainaṁ manyate hatam
Ubhau tau na vijānīto nāyaṁ hanti na hanyate"

Translation in English:

"He who thinks that the soul can kill and he who thinks that the soul can be killed, both of them are ignorant. The soul neither kills nor is killed."

Meaning in Hindi:

"जो जीवात्मा इसे मारता मानता है और जो जीवात्मा मारा जाता मानता है, वे दोनों मूर्ख हैं। जीवात्मा न तो किसी को मारता है और न मारा जाता है।"