मुस्लिम धर्म का त्यौहार ईद-ए-मिलाद-उन-नबी को सूफी या बरेलवी मुस्लिम अनुयायी मनाते हैं।

इस्लामिक कैलेंडर के अनुसार ईद-ए-मिलाद का यह यह त्योहार साल के तीसरे महीने में मनाया जाता है।

ईद-ए-मिलाद 29 अक्टूबर और 30 अक्टूबर को मनाई जा रही है। इस्लामिक कैलेंडर के अनुसार यह त्योहार तीसरे महीने में मनाया जाता है। सूफी या बरेलवी मुस्लिम अनुयायी इस त्योहार को मनाते हैं। उनके लिए यह दिन बेहद खास होता है। इस दिन को इस्लाम के अंतिम पैगंबर यानी पैगंबर मुहम्मद की जयंती के रूप में मनाया जाता है। यह उत्सव 29 अक्टूबर से शुरू होकर 30 अक्टूबर की शाम को समाप्त होगा।

इस्लाम धर्म का पालन करने वालों में मुहम्मद के लिए बहुत सम्मान और सम्मान है। आइए जानते हैं ईद-ए-मिलाद का इतिहास और महत्व। इस्लामी मान्यताओं के अनुसार 571 ई. में इस्लाम के तीसरे महीने रबी-अल-अव्वल के 12वें दिन मुस्लिम समुदाय के लोग इस्लाम के अंतिम पैगंबर यानी पैगंबर हजरत मुहम्मद की जयंती मनाते हैं। वहीं, इसी रबी-उल-अव्वल के 12वें दिन पैगंबर मोहम्मद साहब का भी निधन हो गया था.

पैगंबर हजरत मुहम्मद का जन्म मक्का में हुआ था। इसी स्थान पर हीरा नाम की एक गुफा है, जहां उन्हें 610 ईस्वी में ज्ञान प्राप्त हुआ था। इसके बाद ही मुहम्मद साहब ने कुरान की शिक्षाओं का प्रचार किया। मोहम्मद साहब ने अपने उपदेश में कहा था कि यदि अज्ञानी के बीच कोई बुद्धिमान रहता है, तो वह भटक जाता है। वह मरे हुओं के बीच भटकते हुए जीवित मनुष्य के समान होगा। उनका मानना ​​था कि जिन्हें गलत तरीके से कैद किया गया है, उन्हें मुक्त करें।

किसी निर्दोष को सजा नहीं मिलनी चाहिए। साथ ही उनका यह भी मानना ​​था कि भूख, गरीब और संकट से जूझ रहे व्यक्ति की मदद करें। ईद-ए-मिलाद को मुस्लिम समुदाय द्वारा पैगंबर मुहम्मद की पुण्यतिथि के रूप में मनाया जाता है। यह त्योहार मिस्र में एक आधिकारिक त्योहार के रूप में मनाया जाता था। हालांकि, यह बाद में 11वीं शताब्दी में लोकप्रिय हो गया। इस त्योहार के बाद सुन्नी समुदाय के लोगों ने भी ईद-ए-मिलाद मनाना शुरू कर दिया।

Missionaries role in Christianity reviewed.

Since the commencement of Christianity till today, missionaries and evangelists have been instrumental in disseminating the gospel and establishing Christian communities around the globe. These efforts have shaped history and touched societies, cultures and persons across all continents. In this in-depth article, we will be exploring origin of missionary work among Christians, why these people do it, how they go about it and what stands as a result of their struggle for world Christianity.

Christian Missionary Work from Origin:Accountability for Christian mission can be traced back to the life of Jesus Christ through his teachings that made his disciples to “go therefore and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). One can observe that right after the crucifixion plus resurrection experiences by Jesus’ followers, they began spreading gospel messages initially within Jerusalem before extending them to Romans then farther ahead into various nations.The first Christian missionaries like Paul and his colleagues traveled long distances to preach salvation message, establish congregations, traineeships and nurture new converts. They laid a foundation upon which Christianity expanded into other cultural context beyond its Jewish roots.

Motivations of Christian Missionaries:Several things motivate Christian missionaries. They include:Faith and Obedience: Missionaries often feel obedient to Christ’s command of making disciples or Christians, to whom He had given Himself as a ransom for all. To them, this is not just doing any work but a calling and an integral facet of their identity as Christians.Compassion and Love: Many missionaries are also driven by compassion for the needy and pain relieving motives. Alongside preaching, they engage in humanitarian activities; they give medical care, education, social services and they help people in practical ways who are suffering from poverty, injustice, oppression among others.Cross-Cultural Engagement: The fact that these people belong to different nations with diverse cultures and languages makes it a pull factor to many missionaries. They aim at narrowing the gap between the cultures that would be built up on relationships that would foster understanding and respect.Transformational Impact: Many missionaries have a strong desire to bring change in individuals’ lives as well as communities. This is because they believe in gospel overcoming division among people; it restores healthiness into them leading towards hope of redemption complete transformation of life.

Freedom Religion The Christian Demand for Social Justice and Freedom

This Christian liberation theology offers the poor and abused hope, solidarity, and peace. This is an article that will tell us about Liberation Theology: Origins, Principles, Impact and Relevance Today. This theology of freedom started as a theological movement in the late 20th century that has ignited a spark of social activism and campaign for justice among followers of Christ worldwide. In this context, we may understand liberation theology whose origins marked the last half of the twentieth century.

Liberation Theology’s Origin: The political situation in Latin America was characterized by poverty, inequality, and political repression throughout these years. Influenced by Marxism and motivated by the life situations of starving masses theologians such as Gustavo Gutierrez Leonardo Boff Jon Sobrino etc., began to articulate a theology whose central motif is the liberation of those who are oppressed as being fundamental to Christianity.

Bodh: A Craft-Based Path to Enlightenment

1. Revealing the Wisdom: Comprehending the Fundamental Nature of Bodh We must first understand the essence of Bodh in order to fully grasp its significance. In order to give readers a basic knowledge of Bodh, this section will explore the concept's beginnings and guiding principles. We will examine how Bodh serves as a guiding concept for individuals seeking enlightenment, from its origins in ancient Eastern thinking to its relevance today.

Ramadan: Significance and spirituality

The month of Ramadan is a month of great spiritual significance for Muslims. It is believed that this is the month when the first verses of the Quran were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad and it is considered the holiest month of the Islamic year.

Importance of Islamic Holidays and Celebrating Faith

Islamic festivals are important among Muslims from all corners of the world because their role is to bring about spiritual wellbeing, unity and happiness. Eid al-Fitr is one of the most celebrated Islamic events together with Eid al-Adha and Mawlid al-Nabi that mark significant developments in the history of Islam as well as the faith’s fundamentals. This is a comprehensive guide that explores deeply into the meanings behind these major Islamic holidays, their rituals and spiritual dimensions for better understanding on importance in Islamic religion and culture.

Eid al-Fitr:Also known as “the festival of breaking fast,” Eid-al Fitr marks the end of Ramadan – the holiest month in Islamic calendar. It is a time of great joy: prayers, feasting, giving to charity, etc. On this day, Muslims across the world start off by attending Eid prayer before exchanging greetings and gifts with friends and family members. In short, it also acts as a moment of reconciliation where forgiveness prevails within Muslim societies. Similar acts like sharing traditional meals and Zakat al-Fitr (alms giving) make people more generous towards others on this day.