Ramadan: Significance and spirituality

The month of Ramadan is a month of great spiritual significance for Muslims. It is believed that this is the month when the first verses of the Quran were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad and it is considered the holiest month of the Islamic year.

The main spiritual goals of Ramadan are self-discipline and spiritual reflection. Fasting during the month is considered a way to purify the body and soul and strengthen the relationship with God. By fasting during the day, Muslims are reminded of the importance of gratitude, patience, and self-control. In addition to fasting, Muslims increase their prayer and reading of the Quran during the month of Ramadan. 


Many mosques hold special prayers and recitations throughout the month, and Muslims often recite the entire Quran during Ramadan. The emphasis on praying and reading the Quran is aimed at deepening one's connection with God and deepening understanding of the Quran's message.



The month of Ramadan is also a time for charity and community service. Muslims are encouraged to help those in need, both through organized charity events and personal acts of kindness and generosity. This emphasis on charity and service aims to reinforce the importance of empathy, compassion, and community building in the Islamic faith.

Overall, the meaning of Ramadan lies in its emphasis on spiritual reflection, self-discipline, and community service. By fasting, praying, and giving alms to others, Muslims seek to strengthen their connection with God and deepen their understanding of the teachings of the Quran. 

सूफी संत हमीदुद्दीन नागोरी की दरगाह का 769वां उर्स शुरू नहीं होगा, कव्वाली व मुशायरे का नहीं होगा आयोजन

नागौर में राष्ट्रीय एकता के प्रतीक सूफी हमीदुद्दीन नागोरी की दरगाह का सालाना 769वां उर्स कोरोना दिशा-निर्देशों की पालना के साथ शुरू होगा। वहीं, दरगाह के महफिल खाना और अखिल भारतीय स्तर के मुशायरे में ईशा की नमाज के बाद होने वाला कव्वाली कार्यक्रम भी इस बार नहीं होगा.

The Gurdwaras Function in Energy, Waste, and Water Conservation Practices

As climate change, pollution, and resource depletion continue to be some of the planet’s biggest challenges, sustainability has become a global concern. Faith-based organizations like gurdwaras can help advocate for environmental stewardship. Gurdwaras as places of worship for Sikhs should practice what they preach by embracing strategies such as energy conservation, waste disposal methods, and water collection that preserves the environment. The above piece explores how Sikh sustainable practices and operations in Gurdwaras tally with religious standards.

Environmental Stewardship according to Sikh TeachingsFrom his inception in the 15th century, Guru Nanak’s Sikhism has always propagated living harmoniously with nature. Sikhism’s core tenets such as “Naam Japna” (remembering God), “Kirat Karni” (honest living), and “Vand Chakna” (sharing with others) are based on maintaining a balanced and ethical lifestyle. Furthermore, according to Guru Nanak’s teachings, it is important to respect all creation since the environment is God-made.

In their holy book Guru Granth Sahib, Sikhs frequently eulogize nature while calling upon humanity to protect it. One example of this is found in one of his hymns where he says that air is principles while water along with earth are parents.

आंध्र प्रदेश का सूर्य नारायण स्वामी मंदिर 1300 साल पुराना है, यहां साल में 2 बार सूर्य की पहली किरण सीधे मूर्ति पर पड़ती है।

यह मंदिर भगवान विष्णु के कूर्म अवतार को समर्पित है, यहां लोग अपनी पत्नियों के साथ सूर्य देव की पूजा करते हैं। 

Revival of Customs: Examining Sikh New Craft

The Origins of Sikh Artisanry: Craftspeople in the Sikh community have long been known for their wonderful creations, which reflect a strong spiritual and cultural bond. Sikhs have always excelled in a variety of craft industries, from vivid textile arts to complex metal engravings and woodworking. These abilities were frequently handed down through the generations, ensuring that every handcrafted item retained the core of Sikh culture.

Hindu Astrologys Rahu and Ketu Impacts and Religious Lessons

Decoding ‘’Rahu’’ and ‘’Ketu’’ in Hindu Astrology:The belief in the influence of planets on human life is a deep-rooted concept in ancient wisdom that forms the basis of Hindu astrology. Among these players are Rahu and Ketu also known as the North and South lunar Nodes or shadow planets. These two don’t have physical form like other planets of our solar system but their astrological significance cannot be undermined hence believed to affect different aspects of human life. This article explores various symbols, mythologies, astrological implications and practical applications related to Rahu and Ketu in Vedic Astrology.

The Legendary Origins of Ketu and Rahu:An understanding about Rahu and Ketu needs one to comprehend myths behind them since they are closely associated with early Indian cosmological beliefs.

According to Hindu mythology, Swarbhanu was an Asura (demon) who disguised himself as a Deva (god) to taste the nectar churned out during Samudra Manthan (the cosmic oceanic churning) which would grant immortality (amrita). Vishnu cut off his head using Sudarshan Chakra after realizing this fact thereby separating it into two parts: Rahu(the severed head) and Ketu(rest of its body).