The Bhagvad Gita Verse 9 chapter 2 with complete meaning & definition In Hindi and English language.

अथ चैनं नित्यजातं नित्यं वा मन्यसे मृतं तथापि त्वं महाबाहो नैवं शोचितुमर्हसि॥

Translation (English):
Now, if you think that this self is constantly born and constantly dies, even then, O mighty-armed Arjuna, you should not grieve like this.

Meaning (Hindi):
अगर तू यह सोचता है कि यह आत्मा नित्य जन्मती है और नित्य मरती है, तो भी ऐसे शोक नहीं करने के योग्य है, हे महाबाहो!


Meaning (in English): 
 In this verse, Lord Krishna consoles Arjuna, reminding him that he should not mourn even though he believes that the self is constantly born and  dies. He addresses Arjuna as "O mighty armed Arjuna" to strengthen his will. 


 Lord Krishna advises Arjuna to rise above the sadness and despair caused by the belief in the continuous cycle of birth and death. He implies that the real self, the eternal soul (Atman), is beyond the concepts of birth and death. The soul is not subject to annihilation or annihilation. 


In guiding Arjuna to transcend the limited understanding of the physical body, Lord Krishna encourages him to know the eternal nature of the soul. He reminds Arjuna that attachment to a temporary physical form should not lead to sorrow. 


 This verse emphasizes the timeless teaching of the Bhagavad Gita that the true self is immortal and unaffected by the cycle of birth and death. It encourages people to shift their focus from the temporary aspects of life to the eternal nature within. By understanding the eternal nature of the soul, one can achieve peace, clarity and a deeper understanding of life's purpose.

हिंदू धर्म के अनुसार, जहां सती देवी के शरीर के अंग गिरे थे, वहां शक्ति पीठ का निर्माण हुआ था, इसे अति पावन तीर्थ कहते हैं।

ये तीर्थ पूरे भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप पर फैले हुए हैं। जयंती देवी शक्ति पीठ भारत के मेघालय राज्य में नर्तियांग नामक स्थान पर स्थित है।

How did Hinduism survive despite multiple invasions?

Hinduism has survived despite several invasions and external influences because of its adaptability, resilience and the enduring spiritual and cultural practices of its followers.
Hinduism is a complex and diverse religion, shaped by various cultural, philosophical and social influences over thousands of years. 


Buddhist Chanting and Music in Various Traditions the Function of Music in Different Buddhist Traditions

Buddhism is a philosophical set of teachings that originated from Siddhartha Gautama who was known as Buddha. Buddhism is over 2,500 years old and it aims at relieving pain as well as the development of the mind. Of all these different practices music and chanting are especially important in different schools of Buddhism. This article is aimed at explaining the occurrence of music and chanting in the context of Buddhism as well as the multifunctional character of the latter.

Buddhist prayer: Concept of music and chantingMusic and chanting in Buddhism are used for a variety of purposes: for providing devotional practices, for ritual, for meditation, as well as for education. These elements are not purely artistic expressions but are rather related to the spiritual goals of the subject. They can be used as a meditation tool, evoke spiritual states, pass the information, and make the audience united.

Theravāda Tradition: Simplicity and DevotionTheravada Buddhism is popular in Sri Lanka Thailand and Myanmar and general is quite conservative as it follows the early texts that were written. The chanting is a major practice in this branch as compared to the music which is rather minimal as compared to others.

गुरु हरकिशन जी सिखों के आठवें और सबसे कम उम्र के गुरु थे, जिन्हें 'बाला पीर' के नाम से जाना जाता है।

सिर्फ पांच साल की उम्र में, गुरु हरकिशन सिंह जी को उनके पिता गुरु हरि राय जी (सिखों के सातवें गुरु) की मृत्यु के बाद सिंहासन पर बैठाया गया था। उन्हें बाला पीर के नाम से भी जाना जाता था।