What is "Dharam-Kanta"?

"Dharam Kantha" is Hindi and can be translated in English to "scales of justice". In India, it is also the title of a popular 1975 Bollywood film about businessmen struggling with corruption and dishonesty in their industry.


The term 'Dharamkantha' is also used more generally in Indian culture to refer to the concept of justice and fairness in all aspects of life. It is often used to represent a compass or code of ethics. In this sense, Libra represents a symbol of balance and fairness, where actions are weighed against moral and ethical principal


In some parts of India, 'Dharamkantha' is also a term that refers to a type of weighing platform, a device used to measure the weight of vehicles and goods. are commonly used in industries such as where accurate weight measurement is essential for pricing and other purposes.


Apart from its literal meaning, 'Dharamkantha' is also a metaphorical concept commonly used in discussions of politics, law and social justice in India. , is used to illustrate the importance of upholding moral and ethical principles in the face of corruption and other wrongdoing.

Overall, 'Dharam Kantha' is a term with deep cultural meaning in India, representing a set of ideas related to justice, fairness and morality. Whether used literally or figuratively, it continues to be an important concept that continues to influence the way people think and talk about these issues in Indian society today. les to determine their worth and value. 

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गुरु हरकिशन जी सिखों के आठवें और सबसे कम उम्र के गुरु थे, जिन्हें 'बाला पीर' के नाम से जाना जाता है।

सिर्फ पांच साल की उम्र में, गुरु हरकिशन सिंह जी को उनके पिता गुरु हरि राय जी (सिखों के सातवें गुरु) की मृत्यु के बाद सिंहासन पर बैठाया गया था। उन्हें बाला पीर के नाम से भी जाना जाता था।

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