10 Unexpected Scientific Factors Associated with These Hindu Traditions

These Hindu traditions that are connected to scientific explanations combine religion with science.

1. Sprinkling coins into rivers
The belief that doing this will bring luck is the most common justification for this custom. However, the majority of coins minted in the early days of cash were made of copper. The human body finds great use for the element copper. Throwing copper coins into the river provides the drinkers with a healthy intake of copper since rivers were the only supply of drinking water in those days. This was combined with superstition to ensure that the custom would last for many years.

2. The Temple Bells

This is a custom that is not just followed by Hindus. Before entering the inner sanctum, where the main deity is located, visitors to Hindu temples must ring the bell. The bell's reverberations free up our minds, making meditation and focus easier.

3. Spicy Prior to Sweet 

The majority of the dishes served at a Hindu dinner are often spicy, and any sweet dishes are saved until the meal's conclusion. This is due to both long-standing custom and the fact that spicy foods stimulate the digestive system's acids and juices, whilst sweet foods impede it and should be consumed last.


4. Body art 

Hindu culture is widely known for its practice of inking the hands and feet with complex designs using temporary ink. The Henna plant, which is also utilized medicinally, provides the dye. It is thought to lower blood pressure and even chill the body.

5. Never go to bed towards the north 

This custom is supposed to invite ghosts and other malevolent spirits, who then disrupt your sleep. Many people, though, are of the opinion that it actually has something to do with the earth's and the human body's magnetic fields. Because your body's magnetic field is asymmetrical to the earth's, sleeping with your head facing north can cause sleep disturbances.


6. Fasting

Fasting offers a lot of advantages. The fundamental idea is that fasting aids in the body's ability to rid itself of toxins, which are thought to be the root cause of many ailments. By forgoing food for a set amount of time, we can redirect the 60% of our energy that comes from eating into repairing our bodies rather than using it to digest the next meal.

7. Praise of the Peepal Tree

The peepal tree doesn't produce tasty fruit or lovely blossoms. Its timber is unfit for use in any form of construction. Hence, why worship it? Research has shown that the peepal tree is one of the few that emits oxygen even at night, making it a very significant resource.

8. Adoration of Idols 

Hindu culture and traditions place a high value on idol worship. However, it is a straightforward yet efficient method of focusing and keeping the mind still for the sake of meditation. It has been demonstrated that having a visual target to concentrate on can reduce stress and facilitate meditation.

9. Wearing a Toe Ring

Many Hindu ladies who are married don toe rings. This ring is typically placed on the second toe, which is said to contain a blood artery that runs directly to the heart and uterus. A ring stimulates the blood artery and controls blood flow. It is also thought to control menstruation.

10. Worshiping the Tulsi Plant

The Tulsi plant is traditionally regarded as a mother goddess. Everyone, whether they are literate or not, is advised to take care of this plant. It is a powerful antibiotic and a wonderful medicinal herb. Additionally, it can deter insects like mosquitoes from entering a house.

Jainism and Moksha The Path to Liberation


The concept of Moksha in Jainism is synonymous with the ultimate liberation of the soul from samsara and the attainment of eternal happiness, free from all forms of karmic pollution. This paper examines various facets of Moksha in Jainism such as contemporary expressions of Jain practices, Jain cosmology, art, ecological consciousness, and the relevance of monastic life.

Jain Practices for Attaining Moksha in the Modern World:

  • Ahimsa, non-violence is at the core of ethical considerations for Jains. The principle goes beyond physical violence to cover non-violent speech and thought. These include:
  • Dietary Practices: Several Jains follow a vegetarian or vegan diet, which avoids harm to animals. This practice corresponds with contemporary movements promoting animal rights and ethical eating.
  • Professional Choices: Jains can opt for professions that cause less damage to living beings; a good example is military service or butchery or even some types of business activities that involve dishonesty or violence.

Puranic Kshatriyas Myth, Legacy, and Contemporary Significance in Hindu Society


The Kshatriyas play a central role in Hindu society as the warrior community that is responsible for maintaining a righteous system and safeguarding it from outside threats. The way in which Kshatriyas are depicted in Hindu mythology, especially Puranic literature gives us insights regarding the ideals, values, and cultural implications attributed to this varna (social class).


“Puranic” refers to a set of ancient Hindu texts known as Puranas that contain mythological stories, cosmological theories, religious teachings etc. These writings which were written between 3rd and 10th centuries CE are invaluable sources of information about the cosmos of Hindus, their concept of God and how they should live.


In works such as Mahabharata and Ramayana from Puranic tradition present idealized images of the martial characters stressing on honor valor and obedience to duty. Such heroes like Arjuna Bhima Rama epitomize courage loyalty self-sacrifice all being standards for behavior by them as well as future leaders among their own kind.

Christianity and Mental Health of Religion in Encouraging Welfare and Handling Mental Health Issues

Mental health is a vital aspect of overall well-being, determining how we think, feel, and act. Recently, there has been a growing awareness of the importance of mental health which has led to more open discussions and increased efforts to address mental health issues. Through its rich history and deep teachings, Christianity brings distinctive angles as well as priceless resources that can significantly contribute to one’s mental well-being. In this article, the role of Christian faith in promoting mental health, providing support during times of crisis, and addressing mental health concerns will be examined.

The Holistic View of Health in Christianity:Christianity promotes a holistic view of health by recognizing the interconnectedness between body, mind, and spirit. This conviction finds its roots in Genesis 1:27 where it is believed that humans are made in God’s image thereby highlighting the sacredness of the whole person. In many parts of the Bible, believers are told how to take care of their emotional well-being encouraging them to find peace joy, and happiness within themselves through their relationship with God.

Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Verse 24

In this verse, Lord Krishna describes the inherent qualities of the individual soul (jivatma). He explains the eternal, unbreakable and unchanging nature of the soul, emphasizing its divine qualities. 

कोणार्क, ओडिशा में सूर्य मंदिर

कोणार्क सूर्य मंदिर एक 13वीं शताब्दी सीई (वर्ष 1250) कोणार्क में सूर्य मंदिर है जो पुरी शहर से लगभग 35 किलोमीटर (22 मील) उत्तर पूर्व में पुरी जिले, ओडिशा, भारत में समुद्र तट पर है। मंदिर का श्रेय लगभग 1250 ईस्वी पूर्व गंगा वंश के राजा नरसिंहदेव प्रथम को दिया जाता है।