Peace and Nonviolence: Examining the Fundamentals of Jainism in Contemporary Times

Ahimsa: Going Beyond the Principle of Non-Violence The fundamental tenet of Jain philosophy is ahimsa, which is commonly translated as non-violence. In Jainism, ahimsa encompasses not just not harming others physically but also one's words and ideas. Investigating the ways in which ahimsa practice can impact our day-to-day relationships, moral decisions, and even our relationship with the environment provides a path toward a life that is more harmonious and compassionate.

The Ascetic Road: Jain Monasticism in Modern Culture The ascetic tradition of Jainism is well-known, with monks and nuns giving up material possessions in order to pursue spiritual emancipation. Analyzing the place of Jain monasticism in contemporary culture offers insights into the age-old pursuit of self-realization as well as the benefits and drawbacks of living a simple, detached existence.

Environmental Consciousness:

The Jain tradition places a strong emphasis on environmental stewardship and sustainable living. The concept of aparigraha, or non-possession, encourages a minimalist lifestyle that reduces environmental impact. Exploring how these ancient teachings align with contemporary efforts towards sustainability and environmental consciousness reveals the timelessness of Jain wisdom.

Jain Holidays and Rituals: Honoring Unity and Spirituality A dedication to spiritual development, community, and togetherness is reflected in the rich tapestry of festivals and rituals that make up Jainism. Examining the significance of Paryushana, Diwali, and other Jain holidays reveals the profoundly spiritual connotations associated with these festivals as well as how they might help the contemporary Jain community develop a sense of community and shared ideals.

Jainism and Interfaith Conversation: Creating a Spiritual Bridge The Jain community actively participates in interfaith discourse in a time of diversity and connectivity. Examining the ways in which the Jain values of acceptance, tolerance, and respect promote mutual understanding and cooperation between many religious traditions might provide important insights into creating a more peaceful world community.

Religion and Social Concerns Caste Structure and the Empowerment of Women

Hinduism is one of the oldest and most diverse religious traditions in the world. Over the years, it has been deeply connected with social systems and cultural norms which have greatly impacted people’s lives for centuries. This paper will discuss two major social concerns that exist within Hindu society – caste system and women’s status. We will look at their historical background, development over time as well as current challenges faced by them; besides we are going to touch upon attempts made towards changing these aspects taking into consideration insights from Hindu religious texts, historical records and contemporary discourses.

Caste System in Hindu Society: Historical Views and Modern ChallengesThe “varna vyavastha” or caste system is a hierarchical division of people into different groups based on their birth, occupation and social status . There are four main categories under this traditional varna system:

  • Brahmins (Priests): They belong to highest varna who perform priestly duties such as conducting rituals, studying scriptures etc.
  • Kshatriyas (Warriors): This class includes warriors responsible for protecting society against external aggression and ruling kingdoms internally.
  • Vaishyas (Merchants): Members of business community engaged mainly in wealth creation through trade activities like agriculture among others.
  • Shudras (Servants): Labourers performing manual tasks considered inferior by other higher castes; they serve those above them.

महाराष्ट्र में घृष्णेश्वर मन्दिर बारह ज्योतिर्लिंगों में से एक है, इसे घुश्मेश्वर के नाम से भी पुकारते हैं।

बौद्ध भिक्षुओं द्वारा निर्मित एलोरा की प्रसिद्ध गुफाएँ इस मंदिर के समीप ही स्थित है।

ईद-ए-ग़दीर: इस्लामी इतिहास में वह दिन जिसके आधार पर मुसलमानों को शिया-सुन्नी में विभाजित हुआ था

जिसके आधार पर दुनिया का मुसलमान दो समुदायों शिया और सुन्नी में बंटा हुआ है, उस शख्स का नाम हज़रत अली है।