Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, Verse 30

"Dehī nityam avadhyo ’yaṁ dehe sarvasya bhārata
Tasmāt sarvāṇi bhūtāni na tvaṁ śhochitum-arhasi"

Translation in English:

"O descendant of Bharata, he who dwells in the body is eternal and can never be slain. Therefore, you should not grieve for any creature."

Meaning in Hindi:

"हे भारतवंश के संतानों! जो शरीर में वास करने वाला है, वह नित्य है और कभी नष्ट नहीं हो सकता है। इसलिए, तुम्हें किसी भी प्राणी के लिए शोक करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है।"

In this verse, Lord Krishna gives a deep understanding of the eternal nature of the soul. He assures Arjuna, a descendant of Bharata, that the individual soul, or  embodied self, is eternal and indestructible. The soul is eternal, it can never be killed or destroyed.  
 Lord Krishna's teaching emphasizes the difference between the physical body and the eternal soul residing in it. The body is temporary, subject to birth and death, but the soul is eternal and beyond  mortality. Reminding Arjuna of the eternal nature of the soul, Lord Krishna consoles him and advises him not to grieve over any being. He encourages Arjuna to rise above attachment to temporary physical forms and recognize the permanent nature of the soul. 

  This verse has a deep meaning because it deals with the basic fear of death and loss. Lord Krishna assures Arjuna and all of us that the true self, the eternal soul, cannot be damaged or destroyed. This understanding frees us from the fear and sadness associated with the temporary nature of the physical world. 

 Furthermore, this teaching encourages us to view all beings from the perspective of the eternal soul. It reminds us that behind the diversity of physical forms is the unity of consciousness. This understanding fosters compassion, empathy and a sense of oneness with all living beings. 

 Realizing the eternal nature of the soul, we can calmly approach life's challenges and losses. We can accept the impermanence of the physical body and focus on fostering our spiritual growth and understanding our true nature.  
This verse invites us to contemplate the profound reality of the eternal soul and encourages us to shift our focus from the temporal to the eternal. It reminds us that we are spiritual beings having a human experience and encourages us to live with  deep  purpose, love and detachment.


Embracing Diversity: A Glimpse into the Rich Tapestry of Muslim Culture

1: A Global Community United by Faith

With over a billion adherents worldwide, Islam is a unifying force for a diverse range of cultures. Muslims, irrespective of their ethnic backgrounds, share a common faith that binds them together. The Five Pillars of Islam — Shahada (faith), Salah (prayer), Zakat (charity), Sawm (fasting), and Hajj (pilgrimage) — serve as a universal foundation, fostering a sense of unity and shared identity among Muslims across the globe.

Which is 2nd verse from the Bhagavad Gita?

The Bhagavad Gita, a sacred text of Hinduism, consists of 18 chapters (verses) in total. Each chapter is divided into several verses. The second chapter of the Bhagavad Gita is called "Sankhya Yoga" or "The Yoga of Knowledge."


The Bhagavad Gita, a sacred text of Hinduism, consists of 18 chapters (verses) in total. Each chapter is divided into several verses. The second chapter of the Bhagavad Gita is called "Sankhya Yoga" or "The Yoga of Knowledge."

The second verse of the Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, is as follows:

"Sanjaya uvacha Tam tatha krpayavishtam ashrupurnakulekshanam Vishidantam idam vakyam uvacha madhusudanah"

Translation: "Sanjaya said: To him who was thus overcome with compassion and afflicted with sorrow, whose eyes were full of tears and who was bewildered, Lord Krishna spoke the following words."

This verse sets the stage for the teachings of Lord Krishna to Arjuna, who is in a state of moral dilemma and emotional distress on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. It highlights Arjuna's emotional state and his readiness to receive Lord Krishna's guidance.