"Avyaktādīni bhūtāni vyakta-madhyāni bhārata
Avyakta-nidhanānyeva tatra kā paridevanā"
Translation in English:
"It is said that the soul is invisible, inconceivable, immutable, and unchangeable. Therefore, considering the soul to be eternal, you should not grieve for the temporary body."
Meaning in Hindi:
"कहा जाता है कि आत्मा अदृश्य है, अविचार्य है, अबद्ध है और अविकारी है। इसलिए, अस्थायी शरीर के लिए आपको दुःख नहीं करना चाहिए, क्योंकि आपके अनुसार आत्मा अनन्त है।"
In this verse, Lord Krishna gives the knowledge of the nature of the soul to Arjuna. He describes the soul as invisible, incomprehensible, immutable and immutable. These qualities emphasize the eternal and divine nature of the soul.
Lord Krishna advises Arjuna to understand and recognize the eternal nature of the soul. Realizing that the soul is outside the physical body, Arjuna need not worry about the temporary and perishable nature of the body. The soul, which is invisible and incomprehensible, cannot be perceived by the senses or grasped by the mind. It is immutable and immutable, eternally existing outside of time and space.
This teaching encourages us to change our identification from the transitory physical body to the eternal soul. It reminds us that our true nature is divine and eternal. It causes us to withdraw from the temporal aspects of life and focus on our spiritual development. Lord Krishna advises Arjuna and by extension all of us not to mourn the body which is subject to birth, death and constant change. Instead, he encourages us to recognize the eternal nature of the soul and find solace in our spiritual identity.
This verse teaches us to look beyond physical appearance and the ephemeral parts of life. It inspires us to accept the eternal soul within us and live in harmony with our higher nature. By developing this understanding, we can overcome suffering and experience inner peace and contentment. Krishna's teachings in this verse invite us to change our perspective and prioritize our spiritual well-being over the temporary circumstances of life. By recognizing the eternal nature of the soul, we can live a life rooted in wisdom, compassion and spiritual growth.