Parsi festivals: The Religions of indies

The Percy community is an Indian religious and ethnic minority group with roots in ancient Persia. This community is known for its rich culture and traditions, including many unique festivals. This blog reviews some of the most important festivals of the Parsi religion.


Navroz, also known as the Persian New Year, is one of the most important festivals of the Parsi religion. Risshun, usually he is celebrated around March 21st. This day is marked by feasts, prayers and the exchange of gifts.


Jamsheddi Nabroz:
Jamshedi Navroz is a variation of his Navroz celebrated on his 21st March by the Zoroastrian community. It's a time of renewal, people are dressing up in new clothes and visiting friends and family.


Patti, also known as Parsi New Year's Eve, is a day of repentance and introspection. Celebrated the day before Nabroz, people clean their homes and make offerings to the gods.

Holderd monkey:
Khordad Sal is the birthday of the Prophet Zarathustra and is celebrated on his sixth day of the Zoroastrian month of Khordad (May or June). It is a day of thanksgiving and remembrance, and people offer prayers and feasts.

Mihragan is a festival of harvest and thanksgiving, celebrated on the autumnal equinox. It is a time to thank the gods for the bounty of the harvest and to celebrate.

Sade is a winter festival celebrated on January 14th. It marks the end of the winter solstice and the beginning of the long days. People light bonfires, make offerings to the gods, and celebrate.

In summary, the Percy community celebrates many unique and important festivals throughout the year. These festivals are marked by celebration, prayer and the exchange of gifts and serve as important times of introspection, gratitude and renewal. Understanding and appreciating these festivals will give you a deeper understanding of the rich culture and traditions of the Parsi community. 

एलीफेंटा गुफाएं महाराष्ट्र में मुंबई के पास स्थित हैं, जो भगवान शिव को समर्पित गुफा मंदिरों का एक संग्रह हैं।

इन एलीफेंटा गुफ़ाओं को विश्व विरासत अर्थात यूनेस्को में शामिल किया गया है। 

Brightening the Way Biographies of Buddhist Inspiring Figures

Buddhism has enlightened beings in its cloth, whose lives shine forth as tips of knowledge, compassion and freedom. In their biographies, these incredible individuals are not only sources of inspiration but also compasses that guide novice students on the pathway to enlightenment from the historical Buddha to today’s spiritual leaders. This article will engage with some major characters in Buddhist history revealing some of their impacts on faith and the world.

The Buddha – Siddhartha Gautama:At the core of Buddhism is a story about Siddhartha Gautama; a prince who abdicated his kingdom to find truth about life. He came into this world under the umbrella of luxury and comfort but was deeply disturbed by human sufferings and impermanence. Intent on finding an answer to humanity’s dilemma, he undertook a spiritual journey through practicing dedication and meditation in order to obtain illumination.

Which is Chapter 2 3rd verse from the Bhagavad Gita?

The 3rd verse of Chapter 2 of the Bhagavad Gita is as follows:

"क्लैब्यं मा स्म गमः पार्थ नैतत्त्वय्युपपद्यते।
क्षुद्रं हृदयदौर्बल्यं त्यक्त्वोत्तिष्ठ परंतप॥"

Transliteration: "Klaibyaṁ mā sma gamaḥ pārtha naitattvayyupapadyate,
kṣudraṁ hṛdayadaurbalyaṁ tyaktvottiṣṭha paraṁtapa."

शहादत की अनूठी मिसाल मुहर्रम, इस्लामिक कैलेंडर के अनुसार मुहर्रम हिजरी संवत का पहला महीना होता है।

मुस्लिम धर्म के अनुसार मुहर्रम पैगंबर मुहम्मद और उनके साथियों के पोते इमाम हुसैन की शहादत की याद में मनाया जाता है।

श्री चेंगलम्मा परमेश्वरी मंदिर आंध्र प्रदेश के नेल्लोर जिले में कलंगी नदी के तट पर स्थित है।

शुक्रवार और रविवार को बड़ी संख्या में भक्त आते हैं और चेंगलम्मा की पूजा करते हैं। इस मंदिर का दरवाजा कभी बंद नहीं होता।